^_^ *huggleyew!!!* Agape is done! If she agreed to do it, she would never have to do it again, since it's done. Oh, and if she does... please have her check the British expressions! I don't want to have used one incorrectly, though I don't think I did...
Oh, and my NEW FIC (wowwies) also deals with multiple dimensions... it's not my most original fic idea, but I'll see what I can do with it before I toss it aside. It's also less pairing-oriented; I forgot what you fans call that.
Also, I'M SORRY!!! My stupid job fucked up my sleeping schedule... I've been trying to get it back on track, but there's nothing for it. I swear, I will try as hard as humanly possible to get online tonight, if I have to take a nap at noon or... whatever!
Comments 3
Oh, and my NEW FIC (wowwies) also deals with multiple dimensions... it's not my most original fic idea, but I'll see what I can do with it before I toss it aside. It's also less pairing-oriented; I forgot what you fans call that.
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