(no subject)

Jul 22, 2004 11:33


I hate this and I hate me.  God damn it.

*sighs* Listen, I'm sorry for all this people, but I'm in a really crappy mood, so... I'm going to rant and rave and SCREAM.  And since I do know that a lot of people don't want to read my cursing, I'm going to employ the fabulous power of the

I was in the IB program.

Yes, that is a was, as in am not now.


Yes, I am slightly mad.



Ok, here's the thing.  Theoretically you're supposed to have 75 CAS hours by May 31.  Guess what I didn't have on May 31? Right.  Actually, I didn't have any CAS hours.  E-mail after e-mail recieved no reply.  Going in early in the morning didn't help either.  But, of course, Mrs. Browning is "always there by 6:30". SHE WAS NOT
I can't go in during my luch break.  I need to eat lunch during school or else I PASS OUT.
I can't stay after school, because I rode the bus.  Busses wait for no one.
Classes?  Yeah, right.

So anyway, I wait, and I wait to be called down and told "Dude, wtf?"  I get print out after print out ready with dates to show how many I've sent.  I work through arguement after arguement in my head.  Nothing happens.


So, anyway, there I am, in all my innocent glory figuring that since I hadn't been there for all that long, and other such things, that I might get a break.


I start work on a couple of other projects needed for IB.  I get the research done, I do outlines, I'm good.

I got a call today, waking me out of my nap (which I was supposed to have an hour and a half more of) to ask me to explain myself.  Right. Me. After just being woken up.

Let me clarify this for you.  If its not an emergency, I'm not really coherant after awakening.

So I tell her about the e-mails.  "Well, why didn't you just call?!?!?"  Gee, let me think, they have to have initals or a reply.  Can't do that over the phone.  So :-P.  "But you could have told me!"  Riiight.  How many kids do you see per day?  How meetings and other things do you do?  Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn, and I'm not adding to anybody's schedule.
Well, you have twenty hours now. (more like 30, but ok)  If people who have 50 are told not to come back, I can't make an exception for you. (Sure you can, but whatever) So, are your parents there.

Oregon.  They're in Oregon.

Ooooh.  So, you're there ALONE?!?!?!

Right.  The lady who calls to tell me that I'm kicked out of the IB program is worried about me being home alone.  Dude. Fuck off.

Anyway, now I have to make time to go in and see Mr. Seizemore.  And I have to have mainly electives next year.  Fun.  I need my fine/practical art credit.  I need my PE and Personal Fitness credits.  I need err, I forgot.  See, its been so long....  Anyway, at least I get to drop French.  Although, if I do drop french, screw getting the Bright Futures Scholorship.

Can't I just go back to Cypress? I can manage over there.

And so, yeah.  Now I get to be stuck at a school I HATE just so that the stupid people feel better, and its going to drive me up the wall.  But, plus side? I'll let you know when I get there.

(five minutes later)

Maybe I can say a plus is that I don't have to deal with the stupider IB people anymore.  Yeah, thats it.

Ok, long story short:  Ft. Myers High School Sucks.  But I have to go there because its too late to get me back to Cypress.  And the IB program just lost out on quite an interesting person.
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