Title: Too Late To Change the Past
Rating: PG/T (to be safe?)
Disclaimer: All rights to Warehouse 13 situations and characters belong to the SyFy Channel, Jack Kenny/Brent Mote/Jane Espenson (and, I suppose, the Real H.G. Wells? Sort of? Or his estate?). No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Pairing: Myka Bering/H.G.
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Comments 6
I am SO glad to see you writing for this fandom! Yeah! :)
Great idea, and one rarely done, to see it from Pete's POV. And his anger and resentment was really well explained here. It actually made me more sympathetic to him in 3..2..1
I know this is a one-shot, but hope it's not an only shot. ;)
It's been raining here in Rome for the past two weeks on and off, keeping me inside, so I re-watched most of the series, and when I got to season three? I couldn't help but notice just how changed Myka was; how sad, how quiet, and how much her relationship with Pete was different because of it. Finally *something* sparked my imagination! haha! Thank goodness! =-)
And I also hope this isn't just a fluke-- I really hope this means I can start writing regularly again! Fingers crossed, eh?
Thanks so much for taking time to review! It really means a lot.
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