I found this list of things about FMA peoples...
Al's and no.66's armors were made by the same blacksmith.
Isn't that crazy? x.x;; I mean like.. woah. oO; Why did Hoho-papa have a whole wall of his shed full of armor from the same guy the Army got their from? That's weird..
Ed's automail is worth one brand new expensive car in our world.
Well, Kiddo's got some really nice equipment there. I guess less high-quality pieces are worth a little less.
Pinako was Domique's assistant when she was young. She hit him with a motorcycle.
XDXDXD I can totally see Pinako doing that. I guess the wild/stubborn gene skips a generation? From Pinako to Winry
Cat-lover: Al, Scar, 48(older)
dog-lover: Roy, 48(younger), Arakawa
dog-loved: Ed
XD I love that she specified that #48 each has his own favorite, too.
Armstrong has 3 older sisters and one younger sister.
...That must be scary. ._.;
Done spammage for now. :D Noone's here, so I figure I might as well entertain myself somehow~
Oh, and I washed my car. I should be getting my liscence sometime in March. x3 Whee