A bunch of random thoughts

Nov 11, 2004 23:29

last kiss: so ridiculously long ago you wouldn't believe it
last cigar: haha ew
last good cry: not in a good while
last library book checked out: prob King Lear... if english books count. otherwise I have no clue
last movie seen in a theatre: I'm still almost positive it was Spiderman 2. I haven't been to the movies in a loooooong time.
last cuss word uttered: not sure
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: haha crumpets
last phone calls: steven violaaaaa
last tv show watched: stanley (yay early morning disney channel)
last shoes worn: my gallaz sneakers
last cd played: MCR
last item bought: emo sunglasses ... $5 in NYC
last thing downloaded: "Sunburn" by Muse
last annoyance: work
last disappointment:
last soda drank: not big on soda
last ice cream eaten: free sample of our hard earned tax money going to work in E caf
last time trippin on drugs?: nopeee
last time in love: I have yet to do so... anyone is free to apply for the position if they so desire
last time hugged: whoever I hugged last last night
last shirt worn: pajama shirt
last time dancing: last night

1 HOUR AGO: I have no idea
1 DAY AGO: what this is asking

1. What do you most like about your body?
2. And least?
3. How many fillings do you have? a whoooole bunch
4. Do you think you're good looking? im ok, i guess
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? every once in a while


First job: dental assistant... it sounds so professional, doesn't it?
first screen name: Brekke G. hey, my mom made it, ok?
First funeral: don't remember
First pet: my older kitty
First piercing: ears back in 6th grade or something like that
First Kiss: im pretending i've never had mine
First Lust: eh
First love: no loves
First enemy: enemy means so many different things depending on what age you are that this would be impossible to answer

[What does your name mean?] I have no idea... I challenge you to find it in ANY baby book
[Birthday?] Aug 11th
[Zodiac Sign?] Leo. grrrr.
[What are your plans for tonight?] going to work. lol. my life est sooooo exciting.
[What time is it?] 3.52

Have you ever...
[Taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustache and sent it to the milk people?] no... I didn't even know one could do that. what is the milk people's address?
[Said "I love you" and not meant it?] i dont think so
[Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish/etc?] allll the time
[Been to New York?] nope. never.
[California?] nope
[Hawaii?] ooooh no, but I would loooove to
[Mexico?] again, no
[Philippines?] are you getting the idea that I hardly travel

[Had a dream about something really crazy?] many times
[Stalked someone?] hah.
[Had a mud bath?] nope
[Wished you were the opposite gender?] not, like, permanently or anything
[Had an imaginary friend?] when I was leelte

Pick one
[Apples or Bananas?] apples
[Red or Blue?] blue
[Wal-Mart or Target?] target. I really don't like wal-mart, but even if I did, I wouldn't say so for fear of the wrath of the target workers.
[Spring or fall?] spring
[Do you have a boy/girlfriend?] yea, ok. rub it in.
[Santa or Rudolph?] rudolph. santa doesn't have a shiny nose.

Which of your friends...
[Has the most distinct laugh?] brandon. most deff
[Will grow up and be a model?] dunno
[Is going to have the most kids?] going with everyone else and saying leanne
[Have you known the longest?] nicole or julie... branch brook buddies!
[Knows you the best?] eep. not sure
[Is the loudest?] we can all be pretty loud... usually when it is most inconvenient
[Is the quietest?] everyone is pretty loud once you get to know them
[Do you miss the most?]

Just Wondering...
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] write my king lear essay
[What was the last meal you ate?] some sort of stir-fry thing
[Are you bored?] not really

[How many of your buddies are online?] :: doesnt feel like doing the math ::
Which was the...
[Last movie you saw?] shrek 2
[Last noise you heard?] "El Tango de Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge
[Last time you were out of state:] long long ago

[MY MOST ATTRACTIVE FEATURE:] still not liking this question
[MY FAVORITE THING TO DO:] stand around outside at 12.30am when it's approximately 30 degrees out
[I'M WEARING:] red sweatshirt, jeans, underwear, all that good stuff
[I'M EATING:] nothing
[LISTENING TO:] more moulin rouge
[I'M FEELING:] tiredddd
[I'M THINKING:] of stuff for this weekend
[I SEE:] the computer(???)

I think of ___ when I hear...
[Kill?] haha
[Red?] my sweatshirt
[Dance?] where i was today... (???)
[Fire?] pyro julie talking about how she likes to burn candles, not because they smell good or look pretty, but because fire is fun

[food?] pasta
[drink?] water, coffee, seltzer
[color?] purple
[album?] no way can I choose just one
[shoes?] my heeled fip flops... even though they hurt my feet
[site?] homestarrunner.com
[song?] again, there is no way to choose just one
[vegetable?] hmmm... lettuce? lol I like salad
[fruit?] berries
[berry?] hah no fair... ok, either straw or rasp

Last Person you...
[touched?] probably my brother because i was physically escorting him out of my room
[talked to?] im talking to leanne right now
[hugged] ummm... you already asked this question
[instant messaged?] again, leanne
[kissed?] alright, I get the point. i'm lonely.

It is at this point in time that I would like to give a little "squee" for Julie. Thank you.

Today I performed what I believe was one of the most unprepared-for shows ever in my whole life. Luckily it was only basically volunteer work at a nursing home, so it wasn't a big deal. I also had little to no motivation to do well... I don't know, theres just something about dancing in front of a whole group of elderly/mentally challenged people that makes it had to be cute and sexy in doing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend." But that's probably just me.

And now I'm going to tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a dentist's office. One fine day, the dentist/bossman decided that the water fountains in the office were getting a little skeevy (i think there were separate life forms beginning to develop on them). So on this day, the boss decided to put some bleach into the fountains. Little did he know, in approximately a half hour, this water fountain would begin producing mass amounts of bubbly foam, which if spilled on the carpet, would proceed to turn it a lovely shade of light shit brown. So the task of making sure the bubbles didn't spill over the sides was placed on the lowly assistant on duty that day (aka: me). To make a long story short, the assistant had to run over to the fountain every 10 minutes to clear the foam off of the fountain. and it wasn't fun. so that was my work day yesterday.

I also assisted for the first time ever today. Pretty scary, man. But I guess I could get used to it. At least the time passes faster when you assist.

I should be writing my King Lear essay. I don't think I am going to. Sorry, Mr. Nolan.

My great-grandma died a couple of days ago, and I couldn't even go to Florida for the funeral because I had too much schoolwork, dance, real work, and college stuff to take care of. How messed up is that?
I feel so unconnected from the whole thing. It's horrible.

And this weekend is supposed to be pretty important. We'll see what actually happens. I have my doubts at this particular point in time.

It took me most of today to actually compile this entire entry.
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