
Dec 03, 2004 00:11

i was sitting yesterday stressing about school when i got a phone call from ren and heard that david p was in a car accident. and that he broke his neck and might be permanently paralyzed. i don't know why but i started screaming, sobbing, hysterics. actually i do know why, it's someone i grew up with, it's someone who i know was better than that ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

lemonaid2 December 3 2004, 13:48:53 UTC
I know how you feel. call me if you want to talk about it 5023303324


flippingpoodle December 4 2004, 18:42:43 UTC
Hearing that must have been so horrifying. I can only imagine finding out about someone that I know coming to such extreme harm. It would be ... surreal.

I wish I knew something better to say, but I'm sorry about your friend. I really hope that his situation improves.


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