Angelo and Tores walked back to her house, holding hands. It felt like six months haven't passed. Maybe six days. They started this boyfriend and girlfriend stuff two years ago. Thinking they were mature.
They reach her house, giggling between kisses and fumbling in the dark.
A few hours later, Angelo woke up. He leaned over and kissed Tores on the forehead, climbing out of bed. He takes the phone into the hall and calls Gil.
"Its me, lemme talk to Jubilee"
"She left, hombre."
"What? Left where? What the fuck? Is she okay, Gil? What did you do? I'll be over. Take me to her."
"She went to see her parents. Shes fine."
Angelo figures that he should just let her alone with them then. Gil says something about how Tores is trouble, and he should go home...but-
He hangs up. Angelo returns to Tores room, bare feet padding on the hardwood floors. He sits on the edge of the bed.
Tores had just begun to lightly wake when she heard the sound of talking in the hallway, but nothing distinct enough to hear. Holding the cover to herself, still in bed, she sits up a little, "What was that about?" Not 'is something wrong?', but Angelo's use to how she phrases things. He rubs the back of his neck. "Just checking on Gil." And Jubes. But he doesn't want to say that.
"And?" But she knows he's leaving something out.
"Oh. And Jubilee... She went to Beverly."
"What do you think about leaving?" That came from nowhere. Tores just blurted it out.
"Here." She's been leader of this gang for long enough. She's proved she's tougher than anyone. Now that Angelo is back, there's no reason to keep doing that. It's time to move on.
"I don't think we're leaving yet." He thinks shes talking about Jubilee and himself, leaving to go back. He leans back on the bed, looking over at her.
"Angelo." She leans foward partially, the sheet slipping a little lower but she still holds it just high enough up, "I mean you and me. Tonight. Gone from here. The city."
This is all he ever wanted about a year ago. And now its right in front of him. Why now? Why not a yeah ago. Why not during all that crap? The could have ran then. "I.....why now?"
She looks him in the eye, "I'm done with it all. It's been enough. I want to be with you, Angelo - and I don't want that lose it to another stupid mistake."
He looks away. Thinking. "Do you know what the X-Men are?"
Tores' eyes narrow a tad since that isn't a 'yes' or a 'no'. "Very vaguely. Why?"
"I'm with them. Like, I am a X-Man." And how do you quit? Two weeks notice?
"Really." Thats interesting - in a good way. But it's not exactly easy for her to just get up and go either.
"I guess I'll just disappear again." He figures that hes not worth anything to them anyway.
"Unless you don't want to go. I don't want to hear you saying you're not sure you made the right decision the whole time ..." It's warning tone, but it's very much rooted in concern for him as well. She doesn't want to go if his heart isn't in it.
"Its all I ever wanted. I can disappear."
She smiles. Really, all the way this time, the kind of smile that shows in the eyes - and for a moment, she doesn't look like Tores the gang leader, but just a pretty teenage girl who's in love. She leans foward some more to kiss his cheek and softly bite his ear before she just rests her head on his shoulder, her brown hair brushing lightly against his skin. "Thank you." He's never heard that from her. It will be a long time before he does again.
"...I love you. Always have."
"I love you, too." She closes her eyes and just enjoys this moment for what it is - getting out of here is going to be a problem enough - and how they're going to make it on their own after this - but the feeling right now makes it all worth it.
right. so. i love you all. and i love angelo. but i have a million characters and i'd rather not neglect him. i'd rather him go off and be happy. and me and kati talked, and Angelo didn't seem to want to go back.
firestar_ is still in the game, and i hope to be playing her more often.
angelo will still be around. i am not deleting his journal. jubilee will be emailing him, and others can too, if they so feel the need. Hes a bit of a NPC, now.
ps- very special thanks to
kokochan, again. for Tores. i love them both.
pps- kati, i am going to write another bit, for when he goes to say goodbye to gil and jubes. get out the tissues. .and we shall RP tonight, woman.