hey, im glad you and arial have become better friends. is she ok, by the way?i talked to her mom before she got so sick, and she said that she wasnt doing to well. i hope arials taking it ok. she has alot of friends to go to, should any thing happen, including me, all she has to do is call. im so happy for you and jerry. your gonna get married and have lots of little sarah/jerry babies.(lol)
Arial is doing ok . i stayed with her like all last weekend and i have been tlkig to her alought. she wrot eme a note today and it was the first note she has like ever wrote me. so yeah i guess thats a step up. im not sure what to think about the whole have lots of little sarah/jerry babies but yeha . im not sure we wil make it that far. but if we do i will be happy because he is by far the ost amazing prson i have ever known. ok enough abot jerry haow have you been? im sorry i havent called you . the only real time i have to call is on saturday and well its not saturday yet. im going to try to call you though . i promise. i dont exactly know what to say so i guess ill talk to you latter
Dude you are pathetic! My god. Just get a life. You are a brat and everyone should hate you! I think you should burn in hell and your boyfriend dump you and leave you to ROT!!!!!!!
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