All characters are at
realityshifted Code taken directly from Mel.
muse strength: ▣▣▢▢▢
I mostly chose the icon because I have yet to gotten to use it, but it's very fitting in this respect. The only reason this is at two is because he's in a log right now. Otherwise.....well, he's not exactly my loudest or most active of muses (oh, the irony), sadly despite the brief cameo in the DW special. I was too busy deciding that it would be for Allonso's own good if he never joined Torchwood.
cast strength: ▣▣▣▣▢
DW cast in itself? Huge. TW? Not quite so much. We did just get a Gwen though! So maybe that will help.
plotting capabilities: ▣▢▢▢
Should be high, all things considered. Jack isn't exactly shy or unsociable. I just seem at plots with him.
likelihood of drop: ▣▣▣▢▢
He's one of the characters I've had the longest, but this still only amounts to about one and a half years, only six months of which were not in RS. And I did go through this before, but I think the fact that it keeps coming up might not be a good sign.
Jack Harkness ||
itsthecoat || Doctor Who
muse strength: ▣▣▣▢▢
Relatively strong, all things considered. It's surprisingly easy to get into Arthur's voice, as long as I keep an eye on the sentence structure. I've grown a lot more used to the politeness and reserve of his voice, but I still have to stare at tags sometimes and go 'Is that too casual?' He is also very much a period character, so certain references and things always have to be checked up (thank god Wiki). Overall though, despite my dislike of math and my slight lack of religion, he's still a very fun character to play. I really do have to work at keeping religion in mind sometimes, though.
cast strength: ▢▢▢▢▢
The only one of his cast, and the only one I ever reasonably expect. Because...well, it's a one hour movie from the BBC about scientist. The fandom isn't necessarily existent.
plotting capabilities: ▣▣▢▢▢
He doesn't mean to be antisocial! He's just a 20's British scientist. It's hard enough building CR as it is, really, since usually the only talks he can really enjoy with somene without knowing them would have to be about science or math.
likelihood of drop: ▣▣▢▢▢
I'm far too fond of him, really, and there is little to no guilt of charactersitting.
Arthur Stanley Eddingtoni ||
scienceandgod || Einstein and Eddington
muse strength: ▣▢▢▢▢
Eddies voice has always been a bit tricky for me, and the fact that I've fallen out of the habit of reading comic books due to school hasn't exact
cast strength: ▣▣▣▣▢
I really don't think I could ask for a better cast. If only we could actually manage activity and confidence, sigh.
plotting capabilities: ▣▣▣▢▢
He loves his plots and plans. But he is also cocky and self centered, so it tends to be a bit difficult to get him out there.
likelihood of drop: ▣▢▢▢▢
See Arthur, really. I still love the idea of playing him, if only I could manage to, so it's really very unlikely.
Eddie Nygma ||
whenisa || DCU
muse potential: ▣▣▣▣▢
Looking over the characters I already have, I really shouldn't even be considering anyone. I don't have all that many, only three, but I don't want to pick him up only to grow bored of him. There is also the fact that the whole Sherlock Holmes movie thing is a bit of a touchy subject with some people. Yet I'm still Very Much Tempted. He'd need Holmes, of course, as he's a bit too reserved otherwise, but I could see him working on the Plane, if only to keep an eye on a certain someone's crazy antics.
likelihood of apping: ▣▣▣▣▣
Considering I have already gotten into reading over the stories again (I only read a handful when I was younger) and a planned rewatch of the movie will probably take place sometime this weekend, I can only think of not doing so because of school.
John Watson ||
justasense || Sherlock Holmes