When the "no more ozone" apocalypse comes (because there are so many nowadays, isn't there? Where does loosing the ozone rate anymore? Is it even on the board?), I am running to the nearest dental office and stealing all their iron bibs used to protect you from x-rays. Ha! I'll be safe from the solar energy with my flexible suit of iron bibs!
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Break time. Upon further reading in preparation for my big MASTER PLAN final next week, I discovered a chapter the professor had not mentioned in class. Do I need to read it? It may not be on the final, but it will be covered in the certification exam, I have no doubt. GAH! Who’s fucking bright idea was it to have finals right before the
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So, I've been in a shitty mood all day. When I'm in that pre-Christmas, not enough cash, God, I hate my job funk, I tend to hide away. I explained this to my co-worker who was far more understanding of my prolong silence
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I believe I shall forgo the return to coffee in the morning in favor of tea. With my co-worker requesting a day off, I covered his morning duties. By morning, I mean before the butt-crack of dawn. Ugh. I dug one of the last tea bags labeled "Awake" from my desk drawer and dunked in a mug of boiling water. Five minutes pass. I finish off by
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