someone asked this question and while washing my face, out of the blue my answer just popped out.
in order to ask this question, i always start on what a person values in life. officemate A finds having her own business more pleasing that officemate B who values mastering her knowledge in the field that she got into through school and work. shopper A loves to buy branded clothes while shopper B is contended to have simple ones that she can use daily. man A enjoys going out with friends in bars every friday while man B finds satisfaction in attending weekly prayer meetings and doing apostolate work be it scheduled on a friday. we find different people, things and beliefs important in our lives (fame, money, values, God, family, sex, friends, etc.) these push us on how we use the lives that we have. some fondly calls it purpose. others term it as the end-goal. once you focus and embrace this object, all your actions would be directed to it. you would feel disappointed once you let loose. the sad part is once you let loose and continue the habit of making a mistake one after another, your grip to that goal will also fade. there are people who manage to bounce back but others do not.
i read earlier that it's easier to do bad and harder to do good because doing good or right requires hard work, patience, strength, and using our brains. perhaps not all people have brains! haha! kidding :P personally, prayer helps. surrounding yourself with good people and counting your daily blessings do a lot. my faith has shaped me to the person that i am right now. it's not a smooth-sailing journey but the happiness that you get out of serving it priceless.
i admit, i am a sinner. i am not perfect. people close to me would know that i am impatient and hot-tempered. i struggle in doing good things and resisting to do bad. my faith that i value helps. i just remind myself everyday that the life that i have now should not be put to waste. it may be different for others, that i also respect.