Title: My Super Girl
Pairing: Yesung/Reader
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own Yesung in my dreams.
Summary: It’s a fortunate accident.
Jongwoon wanders around the city. His mind and heart are both lost somewhere. He doesn’t know where to go and what to do any longer. He’s broken. His situation is just too complicated. His mom died a few months after his brother. His dad is the only family he got but being in this situation is difficult for him to go on. He is seriously going to lose his mind. ‘What am I doing?’ For the past years, he never thought that his dad is his dad. He treated him like a boss that he needs to follow orders. His life is at risk and he can only rely on himself. When his mom died, he lost it and completely run away from him. He hides but the gang secretly followed him around. He experienced a peace of mind for a couple of months but when his father’s minions showed up, he was honestly scared. ‘How could he do that to me?’
He finds himself inside the train. He is lost in his own thoughts and didn’t even notice that Leeteuk has been following him. ‘This kid…’
He stands outside your house, staring at nowhere. He doesn’t even know why he ended up being there. Leeteuk watches him from afar, feeling pity towards his friend. He sees Jongwoon reached for his phone. Maybe he’s trying to call someone.
“Hey…” He says, trying to hold back his tears. “Are you home?”
‘I am. Why?’ You are on the other line. You sense something is wrong with his voice. ‘Are you okay?’
“I’m fine. I just want to hear your voice…” He chuckles bitterly, still trying to hold back. “I miss you…”
You are quite alarmed. You are sure he isn’t telling the truth but you know that he really misses you. As much as you want to shrug it off, you can’t because something isn’t right. ‘I miss you too…’ You smile. You pace around your room and decided to look out your window, surprised to see him out there. ‘Where are you right now?’ You watch him and saw that he hesitated a bit.
“I’m… I’m outside, just needed to breathe a little fresh air.” He simply stated.
‘Liar. Aren’t you cold?’ You ask as you made your way downstairs.
“Hm? It’s quite cold but it’s fine.” He sighs. He really feels cold and sad. He actually doesn’t want to bother you or to worry you so he cannot have the courage to ask or tell. He jumps a little when a scarf was placed on his neck. He looks around to see you.
Right then and there, all those thoughts of worrying you slipped his mind. He pulls you in an embrace as his tears already escaped his eyes. You are surprised by his actions. You never imagined him to be crying like this. It makes your heart sank in pain. “W-what happened?”
But he doesn’t answer. You let him be as you hold him back, tighter. ‘What’s happening now?’
When he already calm down, you ask him if he wants to go inside. He simply nods his head and you suppressed your smile. He looks like a lost puppy. “Let’s go inside. I’ll cook dinner.”
You let him take a seat and begin to cook dinner for three people. He stares blankly at nowhere, feeling pathetic of breaking down earlier. He mentally smacks his head for looking vulnerable. ‘So much of being the guy in the relationship…’
You glance at him from time to time because you feel disturbed by his weird actions. You sigh in frustration, thinking of what happened to him. And then you accidentally cut your finger. “AHH!”
Hearing your voice, Jongwoon is startled. He instantly runs towards you and he panicked. He brought your hand to the sink to wash away the blood. After sometime, he successfully placed the band-aid. “You should be careful especially when you’re holding a knife.”
“Yeah. I know but will you stop spacing out? It’s making me troubled.”
“I’m sorry… it’s just that…” You stare at him, waiting for whatever he’s going to say. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything my dear.” He smiles, hearing the pet name. “So?”
“Hm… what if… I suddenly disappear again, what are you going to do?”
“Huh? What do you mean? Yah! You cannot just go and disappear again, okay?”
He nods his head, expecting that reaction from you. ‘But what if I really disappeared for real? What are you going to do?’
“But seriously, if you’re going to do that again, I might not know what to do anymore. It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t even want to show up. Believe me, it hurts a lot.”
“I know… Hm. Do you know the Lee Corp?” He asks out of the blue. You tilt your head, confused.
“Of course. It’s my parents’ company. Hae might be taking over dad’s position soon but he isn’t sure yet because he wants to do something else. By the way, how did you…” And it hit you. “No way…” You abruptly stand up and stare at him. “No way…”
He reaches for your hand. “Sadly, I need to ruin your company just so I could be with you. But… I won’t do it.”
You are completely dumbfounded. “Why our company?”
“You know why. Lee Corp is increasing its sales and is being known in Asia in a short period of time. I don’t know how you did it but it’s a big threat to my dad’s company.”
“Y-your dad’s company??”
“Yes… my dad’s. I don’t even want to think about it! I’m going crazy. Help me… I don’t know what to do.”
You ponder for a moment. If your company needs to be destroyed just for you to be with him… “Wait. What if I take over the company and you take over your dad’s company?”
“Huh? So?”
“And we’re together, right? We can get married in the future unless you want to get married to someone else then forget about what I had in mind.” You pout as you thought he is a genius of some sort.
“Of course I want to get married to you. Oh. I think that would work!” He launches himself to you and the two of you ended up falling. He showered you with kisses. “Let’s get married!”
“What?! No way! How could you propose to me like that?” You push him off you and glared at him. His eyes widen. “I need to talk to my family first AND you should propose properly!” You go to your room to get your phone leaving a dumbfounded Jongwoon in the kitchen.