So it finally happened here. Some nut job thought it would be an awesome idea to open fire on people. We were lucky that he didn't have an assault rifle, only a shotgun. He was still able to shoot four people. Said nut job started by shooting a man in his car outside of a law firm, then he moved across the street to the WalMart parking lot, were he shot three more people.
I was blissfully unaware two miles down the road until my daughter calls me and tells me about it. She works at Toys R Us which shares a parking lot area with WalMart. Thankfully she was off and at home, her boyfriend was however there working, he'd actually been outside when it started (of course he had no idea what was going on at first) loading merchandise into a customers car. The idiot of course had his face plastered to the window so he could watch what was happening *rolls eyes*
The police were there so quick the man didn't have a chance to shoot as many as he could have. I really have to hand it to them, because it could have been so much worse. So far there's been no mention of fatalities, but there haven't been any updates to say the conditions. Last we heard the shooter was in surgery. He was wearing a bullet proof vest so they either hit him high or low.
I do know the gentleman shot in the law firm parking lot was shot in the face, one of the ones at Walmart was shot in the back, I haven't heard about the other two.
I told my kids when they were growing up, never say it's not going to happen here or to you because you just never know. It's better to take precautions than not, of course there's only so much one can do to protect themselves.
Anyway I just had to get that out, it's been a stressful day.