Title: Burning the Midnight Oil
angels_archives Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: SasukexSakura
Theme: 9. Library
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!
"She's really determined, isn't she?"
The public library was deserted and dark. The slightest noise was amplified. But in the quiet restricted section of the library, they could make as much noise as they liked.
Hatake Kakashi suppressed a smile at his old student. He was clutching an old and battered copy of a Come, Come Paradise installment that he borrowed from a maternal matron who fancied herself as a librarian. His only eye was amused when he stared at her assistant.
The dark-haired young man frowned at his former mentor. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. A flush colored his cheeks when his eyes fell on the petite pink-haired figure bent over thick tomes and old books.
Sasuke Uchiha forced himself to look away. He couldn't let his eyes linger on her slim hips and longish pink hair. She was always working hard on her homework to create her own techniques. It was astonishing to see the dedication that she poured into her work. But he was confident that she was probably dozing off because she hadn't moved in a while…
"She's burning the midnight oil," Kakashi said cheerfully.
"Shhh," the pale young man frowned again.
His mentor waved before vanishing into thin air.
Sasuke looked around before heading towards his personal desk. He pulled out a thin blue and white blanket that he kept for emergencies.
As expected, Sakura had fallen asleep.
He smiled to himself as he placed the blanket around her shoulders. He tucked her in so that it fit snugly around her slim figure.
"Work hard!" Kakashi's voice whispered with a laugh.
Blushing furiously, Sasuke said loudly. "Shh!"