The Fullmetal: When it came to arcades, the common gamer could never feel lost. The surroundings were never foreign. Afterall, the layout--albeit despite a few varying machines--was ubiquitous between every coin operated center. The same strobe
The Fullmetal: lights, the same numbing melange of sound, the same formula of video game assortment ranging from equipment utilizing games with plastic guns and 3-D headgear to classic walkthrough action. . .Edward was in his prime element. "Bet
The Fullmetal: it's been -years- since you've been to one of these places, eh old man?" A not to playful jab into Roy's side before the blonde launched into a spurt of full energy. Mustang would have forfeited the boy to the din of light and
The Fullmetal: movement if the pygmy alchemist stopped dead in his trailblazing tracks before a console entitled `Dance Dance Revolution (Extreme Mix).' Thankfully there wasn't a line for this one, so after inserting the necessary coins, the boy
The Fullmetal: bounded onto the metal foundation. Vermillion trench tossed over the rail abaft, he proceeded to flail about on the flashing arrows to `Cartoon Heroes.' Anyone could tell he'd only heard of this brilliant game, for his legs were
The Fullmetal: buckling and midway through the segment he was practically stomping the life out of the poor thing. "What the fuck?! This thing has to be broken!" All dots and lines. . .Gloved digits eased onto the aforementioned bars, but his
The Fullmetal: legs strained to reach the bars before FAILED slammed onto the screen. He quickly shot a glance over his shoulder to see if anyone could attest to this travesty and agree that the arrows were, indeed, busted. (Uh huh.) Digging
The Fullmetal: for loose change, he opted for another (standard-mode) round and ticked through the tracklist carefully evaluating each song's details and difficulty levels.
Invoke the Flame: Old man. The young alchemist was really aching for a swift kick to his backside with that comment. However, there was truth behind the statement, it had been ages since the Colonel had last stepped foot into one of these
Invoke the Flame: child-infested cespools of filth. What was it that young children saw in these places? There were hardly any women about, no alcohol to be served, and above smelled of unshowered children. "I really don't understand why in
Invoke the Flame: the hell you had to bring me to this stupid place." The Colonel wasn't a person to complain, but he was in the mood for drinking today. Turning around, he noticed the young Fullmetal flailing about like a person who just found out
Invoke the Flame: they're infested with ticks. "You really call this a fucking game?" The handsome young Mustang glided a hand through his neatly combed hair and scoffed at this "game" his young companion was obsessed with - "You realize you look
Invoke the Flame: like a complete idiot, don't you?" The mere thought of being seen in a place like this would surely ruin his reputation with the female gender, so the Colonel stood on the far corner of the machine and leaned up against the side
Invoke the Flame: in his ever-so-cool pose.
The Fullmetal: Edward, in comparison, was oblivious to the Colonel's dissatisfaction. Who needed alcohol when there was pure adrenaline? He would take DDR in lieu of cocktail (in more ways than one) any day. "It doesn't matter how you look,
The Fullmetal: dumb shit. It's how well you do. See? No one else cares." He jerked a pointed thumb in the general direction of the adolescent crowd haphazardly dispersed around the console chattering emphatically. He knew damn well this
The Fullmetal: wasn't Roy's scene, and a predominant part of him absolutely relished the sheer discomfort scrawled across that impeccable vizard. Frame by frame to the extreme. "You really don't have to act your age sometimes. It makes you look
The Fullmetal: impossibly older than you actually are." He briskly turned away with a muttered "fossil" spat out the crooked corner of his mouth. Two minutes later, he'd just barely scraped a D on "CRASH" all the while wheezing erratically (or
The Fullmetal: was that huffing tempermentally?). "It's... not... like... y'can... doanybetter." A thin sheen of perspiration beaded on his furrowed brow, catching on shocks of gold roughed up and out of the slipshod weave of a braid -- eyes
The Fullmetal: intent with a glower on the shielded-from-view Colonel.
Invoke the Flame: The elder Elric apparently does not care much for this world of the living, as he hopelessly struggled through one of his songs, Roy held out his fingers and was within seconds of releasing a fiery snap upon the child. But instead,
Invoke the Flame: the quick-thinking Colonel would have his revenge. Upon completion of his last song, Roy pulled a small bottle of hair gel from his pocket and squirted all its contents on the left-most part of the dancing apparatus. "I will gladly
Invoke the Flame: accept your challenge, Elric! Perhaps these old bones do need to stretch themselves out! But would you mind if I use this right side? For luck, that is.." A wicked but almost innocent looking grin washed itself across Mustangs face.
Invoke the Flame: Even if he made a fool of himself, he would still come up the winner.
The Fullmetal: Fullmetal graciously decided to humour his elder's request, arrogance bloating his small skull and inflating him with faux delusions of easy triumph. Roy may have been a worthy opponent in combat, but he only excelled with a pair
The Fullmetal: of gloves. He seldom alchemized anything with an array. His whiplash wit couldn't begin to oppugn Ed's physical prowess. "Good luck then, Taisa," he sneered before daintily pivotting toward the screen and inputting `Boom Boom
The Fullmetal: Dollar.' It's thriller darling. You're a wonderful lover, baby. July, December, always deep inside of my mind. . . Left, up, left, rightleftupdown. "Don't forget to jump, sir." He was practically beaming at the trepidation in
The Fullmetal: Roy's unattuned footwork. Boom boom boom boom. Shoot you like a bomber. Boom, boom, boom, bo-- Teens and preteens alike watched, half-aghast half-hysterical, as the blonde's boot gave out from under a slippery slide and he
The Fullmetal: took the most smooth dive that night, plummeting and going vertical in a thundrous "boom" -- but he somehow pulled off the conniving grace in his mass to skid into Mustang's path to trip him off the pad as well. "MOTHERFUCKER!" He
The Fullmetal: yowled as his back cracked against ungiving metal -- humiliation coloring his visage cherry pink -- a hand lunging outward in hellacious fury to drag Mustang down by his coattails.
Invoke the Flame: Deception is a soldiers greatest strategy against an opponent. Let me continue to have him believe he is better than I, then I shall crush his spirit in one mighty blow. Mustang never made clear what it was he doing in this arcade
Invoke the Flame: the last time he had come here. Truth be told, it was actually for a local tournament, his prize? A rather large golden trophy depicting a female striking a pose and holding up a victory sign with her fingers. Roy would, after all,
Invoke the Flame: never accept anything less than first place; he had been playing since its introduction and played quite frequently at home, by himself. Right on the left steps, down on the up steps, his dancing gauge would have exploded at this
Invoke the Flame: point for how poorly he was performing. Holding in his laughter, he kept returning his feet to the center of the pad in a mock beginner fashion. It wasn't until the near completion of the song that he saw the young alchemist slip
Invoke the Flame: upon the gel he had placed on his side of the pad. This may not have been one of Roys greater schemes, as Edward's trip backfired and sent the alchemist hurtling at him, sending Roy airborne. It was not so much the collision that
Invoke the Flame: hurt the Colonel, as it was the "kiddie" ride that you are required to deposit one credit into to have the ride sway back and forth, that he had landed within. To further worsen the situation, it had already been in motion with no
Invoke the Flame: occupant...quite embarrassing.
The Fullmetal: Edward Elric had the luxury of experiencing a more outwardly painful fate, his rear and spine simultaneously burning raw from the carpet friction hissing along his hundred-mile-per-hour pitch. Burn you up and I'll burn you
The Fullmetal: down. At least he'd successfully took the cheating scoundrel down, but he still couldn't quite determine just what it was that caused him to stagger. After meticulously examining the state of his footwear, he lethargically rolled
The Fullmetal: onto his hip, winced, and collapsed at Mustang's disconcerted condition. Laughter clogged his throat and clenched his lungs in fits of bellowing glee. "HAAAA!!" So maybe they both failed miserably and suffered grievous twinges,
The Fullmetal: but it was somewhat redeeming to savour Roy's discomposed physique obviously unwilling to so much as move from his bowed form. It wasn't until Edward recovered sufficiently enough to storm toward the platform and swipe a finger
The Fullmetal: across each arrow that he emerged with gelatinous smears. "You must have fucking cheated, didn't you?" Outside of headquarters, he could be as brassbound and ballsy as he chose, overtly proven in the action he undertook to smudge
The Fullmetal: the fluid into that only slightly rustled mire of sable locks. And inclined to pop another penny into the machine for an additional ride.
Invoke the Flame: I'd rather be sailing. Who knew things would turn out to such a catastrophic level for the dashing Colonel? He was reduced to a toddler, riding on what appeared to be a circus clown car, all Mustang was missing at this point, was a
Invoke the Flame: pacifier. He continued to lay, his sides bruised pretty badly, as Edward approached and began ranting some gibberish that Roy was not interested in listening to - not in the position he was lying. It wasn't until the Elric brother
Invoke the Flame: decided to smear some of the gel onto the Colonel's head that Roy snapped out from his trance, and snap he did. A small spark of flame lept from the Flame Alchemists' fingertips to the boys' shoelaces, which
Invoke the Flame: caught fire like dried out grass. Roy wasn't quite as upset as he should have been, he found the sight before him quite amusing as he muttered "Now, let's see you really dance, Fullmetal."