Name: Suzanne
Nickname(s):Baney, Bane, Suzy, Susan, Sue, Porkchop u.u
Birthday: May 5th and ye may not know the year u.u
Strong Points A good thinker, very attentive, a good listener, kind and friendly and loyal
Weak Points A short temper, insecure and shy, I tend to let myself be used & abused by other people, a tad spoiled
Likes: Food, my puppy, reading AS and other mangas, reading/watching yaoi *drool*, playing video games (RPGs mostly), working, spending money u.u
Hobbies: Playing the piano and reading
Favorite color: any darker colors
Favorite animal: Pembroke Welsh Corgi *huggles mine*
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: ....Katan.........because he's smex u.u and he wants teh smex with Rosiel. ...that's part of it. the other part is that he's so sweet and kind and so much in love with his father Master, and so loyal that it just makes me melt D:
Dislikes: really REALLY loud Rap music playing in a car, bad jokes, horrible managers, people with no sense of humor, my mom (not really D:) , hot weather, dirty/icky cabinets/other surfaces, and a stinky doggie ;_;
Least favorite animal: Cat
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: I'd have to say......Setsuna D: I can't tell you why, I just dun like him *hiss*
Pictures or a description of how you look: About 5'8" with medium-length, wavy brown hair, and emerald green eyes. u.u my eyes are so starling and such a deep green that I was once asked if it was contacts....which I've never been asked before XD. I have pale skin and am a biiiit chubbish XD ok, hope that's good enough ^^