July 1999 : The Day The World Stopped

Oct 07, 2006 03:26

New here! Hi everyone;D

Nickname(s):Dee, Riku (inside joke with one of my friends)
Birthday:June 7

Strong PointsI don't take crap from people. I defend myself, my friends and my family.
Weak PointsI have low self-esteem and I critisise myself a lot.

Likes:manga/anime (Angel Sanctuary, NANA, Digimon), Marvel comics (Spider-Man, X-Men), video games (Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, Jade Empire, Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat), movies, music, food, books
Hobbies:Writting, drawing, reading, playing video games, listening to music, watching movies/tv/videos
Favorite color:Purple, black
Favorite animal:Sharks, bats, wolves
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: (it would be nice if you said why) Lucifer. I don't exactly know why. I guess I find him to be really cool. Lame reason, but yeah, that's kinda it. Oh, and I like Kira Sakuya too because he's cool, smart and an awesome friend to Setsuna. I also like Katan and Setsuna but they're not my favorites.

Dislikes:close minded people, snobs, bugs, animal abusers, racists, homophobs, scary movies and clowns (other than Mad Hatter LOL)
Least favorite animal:Uhm...I don't think I have one. Unless bugs count. I don't like bugs, spiders or worms of any kind.
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: (again, it would be nice if you said why) I like almost everyone, but I guess if I had to choose, I'd choose either Arachne or Sara. Arachne...well, I won't say because it's spoilerish but Sara because she's too much of a goody-two shoes it seems, like one of those perfect little people. Makes me sick. And yes, Setsuna was partially to blame, but jeez girl, your brother is hitting on you, don't help the situation! (that's the only thing I don't like about this manga, the incest part. I'd like it better if Sara and Setsuna weren't related. Don't be mad at me all you other fans!)

Pictures or a description of how you look: (maximum of four pictures) Uhm...I'm 5'3" or something close to that, medium build. I have brown eyes and hair and a round face (I hate my big cheeks). My hair goes down to my shoulders and my skin is fairly light (i guess you could say it's olive color). I am currently wearing braces and I have contacts, rarely wear my glasses. i like to wear black and I lvoe to wear dangly earrings and chocker necklaces. Is that enough about how I look? I dunno what else I can say and I don't have pictures, sorry. Oh yeah, I'm a girl LOL


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