Nickname(s):Katana-chan, Lula, Lu
Birthday:May sixth
Strong Pointscalm in stressful situations, I guess I'm pretty helpful.
Weak PointsSelf-doubtful, envious
Likes:Gaming, makeup, sprinkles, shiny things, soft things, sleeping, music, attention
Hobbies:drawing, singing, dancing, getting dressed up, makeovers(recieving), cuddling
Favorite color:all of them. yes, even brown
Favorite animal:The cheetah.
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: I dont actually read it. I was requested to fill this out by a friend. ^_^ She wished to see the results.
Dislikes:people on steroids
Least favorite animal:Yellow Jacket.
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Again, I don't read it.
Pictures or a description of how you look: