Name: Vanja
Nickname(s): Well, Vanja actually started out as a nickname, but it surely sounded better than my real name and the reasoning behind it amused me. I also have someone referring to me as “Rasashi” for some reason I’m unsure of... and someone calling me Satan, and someone who thinks my name should be "Whonhe", and someone who [is cut off]
Birthday: October 28, 1989
Strong Points Independent, analytical, adaptable, calm, ambitious, confident, curious, laid-back, impossible to insult, doesn't care what others think.
Weak Points Cynical, mischievous, obstinate, sometimes sadistic, [nearly] unemotional, daydreamer, untrusting, sarcastic smart-aleck, odd sense of humor, occasionally impulsive, habit of procrastinating on dislikable work, tends to do whatever she wants.
Likes: Fire, being amused, philosophy, history, politics, thunderstorms, windy days, other various things that I either should not mention or I must not like as much if I forgot them.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing [some] video games
Favorite color: Gray
Favorite animal: Goats, snakes, lizards, hyenas
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Zaphikel. He's somewhat mysterious, calm, and yet still manages to provide some comic relief.
Dislikes: People who are concerned with stereotyping themselves, people who whine for attention, spring, summer, nearly all the music on the radio, television, football, people who force their religion/morals on others, chatspeak, children
Least favorite animal: Bunnies
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: (again, it would be nice if you said why) Eh, there's really no character that irks me that much.
Pictures or a description of how you look: (maximum of four pictures)