Name: Michelle
Nickname(s): Kaneha
Birthday: Oct. 21, 1991
Strong Points:
level-headed I keep a level-head in all situations, it takes a lot to get me worked up about something or for me to loose my cool. When my friends are all descending into chaos, I'm the one who's able to keep her head.
Intelligence: This doesn't really take much explanation-I get good grades, I'm smart, I love school (favourite classes: math, science, and history)
Dependable: I'm always there for my friends, but more out of a twisted sense of honour than anything else. There are people that consider me to be their friend, but I don't return that feeling, and I don't tell them out of politeness (read: it's too much effort to deal with an angry person when I can just smile and nod at what they're saying and think of something else). However, if they're depending on me for something, then I feel almost honour-bound to help them, if that makes sense.
Weak Points:
Low self-confidence: I very easily doubt my ideas and the things I say.
However, because of this, I think through my ideas very carefully, doing a sort of 'proof' in my head. Because of this, I usually have lots and lots of evidence to back up my claims, and therefore feel very confident about them. So, if you look at me, you'd see a very confident person, when, really, I'm very under-confident. (funny how that works :P)
Critical of others: as I mentioned above, I see the flaws in other people actions, personalities, and ideas fairly easily; tend to hold people to high standards, and look down on others because of that. (Though, you'd most likely never be able to tell, because I act the same way whether I like people or despise them)
Apathy: I don't sympathise easily with other. I don't identify, and therefore don't feel very much pity towards strangers. Even with friends, it's not: 'oh, I'm sorry you failed biology. That must suck.' it's 'you failed biology? You must not have been working very hard.'
Even to the extreme, with the death of a friend (granted, not very close, but a friend still), I'm like this. Sure, part of me feels sad at the loss, but most of me also understands that life moves on and it is to my best advantage to move. So, I dry my tears (figuratively, I don't actually cry) and move on.
On a more light-hearted note, it means I don't feel as sorry for the lead roles of books like, say Prep. My mom and I both read Prep, but we got completely different things out of it. My mother identified more with Lee, and sympathised with her problems. She came out with a decidedly negative view of teenage life and boarding schools.
I didn't 'get' Lee at all. I saw her as an under motivated character who was more interested in sex than school, and therefore got what she deserved. I left the book with a positive view of boarding schools, feeling that Lee made poor choices and suffered because of it.
I also have bad spelling, horrible grammar, and a completely inadequate vocabulary for someone my age.
Likes: School (especially math, science, languages, and history), almost anything related to Japan, reading, writing, lj, knitting, outdoor activities.
Hobbies: Soccer, choir, volunteer work at Children's Hospital.
Favourite colour: Greyish, pale green
Favourite animal: American Bison
Favourite Angel Sanctuary character: Metratron for an odd, complicated reason involving a silly in-joke and Good Omens.
For a serious answer, Setsuna, perhaps?
Dislikes: Annoying, loud, stupid, ignorant, (misplaced, especially) arrogance, close-minded, melodramatic, vain, ignorant, lazy, and/or shallow people.
Least favourite animal: Dogs, especially the smaller yappy ones.
Least Favourite Angel Sanctuary character: I currently don't have one. It used to be Sara, for what could perhaps be considered 'the usual reasons', but a friend convinced me to like her, so, I don't have a least favourite character.
What are your views on revenge? Revenge is a strong emotion, and a great way to motivate oneself. However, it is not the best way. If you're under the influence of revenge, then you're blind to logic and reason, and can easily screw up. Also, once you've fulfilled your revenge, then what? You're empty.
What are your views on sacrifice? Huge sacrifices are good when the ends justify the means. It is a last resort effort, and one that should only be used as such.
I think though, sacrifices can end up being 'good' things. Emotionally, at least, they're very powerful.
It depends what sort of sacrifice, though. I don't believe sacrifices like, say, 'charge of the light brigade' are worth it at all. Death to prove blind loyalty? No thanks.
What are your views on love? Love is an emotion that gets too easily mixed up with lust (understandable, as we have a biological need to reproduce). It's a good emotion though, overall, a nice, happy one.
Should you sin (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth), what would you indulge in and why? Either sloth or envy.
With sloth, you're just rotting away in the corner, you're giving anything to society, but you're not taking anything either.
Envy, because you desire to be like other. If nothing else, envy pushes you to a higher level.
Should you choose virtues (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) then what would you opt for and why?
Patience: Often, all that is needed in a conflict is for both sides to just stop, take a breath, and calmly work out their problems.
What is your greatest goal in life? To become a doctor, or a scientist. Less realistically; I want to do something important, impact an event, or influence something important. I want my life to have meant something big. I don't care about recognition for it, I just want to be able to know I did something important.
What would you go through hell for? As a last resort, when everything else fails, for the people I love, respect, & admire.
Pictures or a description of how you look: Letsee, I'm a little shorter than average height, normal weight, long black hair always pulled back in a ponytail. Brown eyes. Overall, plain looking.
I wear fleeces, zip-offs, polypro shirts; basically convenient, comfortable clothing that I can move around in.