Name: Codi
Nickname(s): Pete (don’t ask T.T)
Birthday: 04-01-86
Strong Points: I’m an excellent procrastinator and can think of excuses for anything imaginable. I can make a wicked stuffed-baked potato, make goofy facial expressions that’ll make kids cry with terror or piss in laughter, and I’m a wonderful dancer/singer after a few drinks. Personality wise, I’m socially awkward to the point of being comical - a ‘strength’ as it’s a handy icebreaker. People can always count on me to give an honest opinion (when it’s needed or not).
Weak Points: I cannot write a thesis statement to save my life. I have problems making decisions due to my lack of being able to keep a commitment, my interests are constantly changing and I have a short attention span. Driving. I cannot drive. Unless I’m driving on a straight highway that doesn’t require me turning off or stopping for any reason... Allergies. I’m allergic to everything. Personality wise, I can be seen as lazy and intimidating.
Likes: Studying culture, photojournalism, Jet Li, people in drag, Lotto 649 commercials (“How to be Wealthy”), little glass bottles (especially liquor - I collect them), red apples, pretending I’m a rock star at Karaoke, loud motorcycles, writing and entertaining muses, and cats.
Hobbies: College - going to classes is technically a hobby. Gym - working out can be fun and rewarding. Sleeping - my favourite pastime. Sports - watching, that is, I like to watch soccer on T.V. and the illegal street races outside my window. Astrology - read: watching the moon when it’s out. Accents - I love faking them, especially when working in retail and with customers. Computer - roleplaying, photoshop, writing. My hobbies aren’t anything productive.
Favorite color: Green. Not just any green: Egyptian green (says the paint label).
Favorite animal: Cats. Any and all kinds. Lizards are neat too.
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Katou. I love his anti-hero attitude. He’s so laidback and yet his sense of loyalty keeps him trekking. It was a shock when he died for the final time (the junkie kept coming back!). He really busted his ass to get his friends out of sticky situations and his love for Kira was just heartbreakingly sweet.
Dislikes: Pineapple. With a passion. I loathe pineapple. And lemons. And any citrus besides orange. I also dislike: hockey, open water, scary movies, and dogs.
Least favorite animal:Bears. And squid. They give me nightmares.
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Mr. Rabbit... no reason other than pure freakiness.
What are your views on revenge? I prefer the term ‘avenge’ - Instead of saying “I’m going to seek revenge for (this)!” I would probably say: “In the name of BLAH, I shall avenge (this)!” or some random bullshit like that. Revenge is good, but avenging is better.
What are your views on sacrifice? I’ll get the lamb if you get the altar ready. Sacrifice is necessary, whether that be an offering to the Gods for a plentiful crop, or sacrificing your own morals to help a friend in need.
What are your views on love? An unfortunate disease. I mean...
Should you sin (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth), what would you indulge in and why? Well, since I already indulge in sloth, I would like to pick... greed. It seems that greedy people have the motivation and charisma to get far in business and, with all the right connections, can live quite a comfortable life.
Should you choose virtues (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) then what would you opt for and why? I would opt for patience as it’s what I lack. I’m not a fan of humiliation or chastity or abstinence... and diligence is asking for quite too much... I’m quite sure all virtues would shine through patience.
What is your greatest goal in life? To... survive. I try to stay away from setting goals longer than 2 years into the future.
What would you go through hell for? Chicken souvlaki.
Pictures or a description of how you look: No thanks.