Name: Dagmara
Nickname(s): Daga, Elwenia, Elwen Rhiannon, lady Aideen
Birthday: 13th March 1980
Strong Points intelligence, civility, sense of humor and irony, ability to stay calm and think during the crisis, stubborness
Weak Points honesty, faith in people against better judgement, no head for alcohol, problems with self-confidence, mood swings
Likes: yaoi/slash (my not-at-all-guilty pleasure), coffee, second hand bookshops, sky and wide open spaces, heated discussions, staying up all night and sleeping till noon, movie soundtracks, reading in general, books as objects
Hobbies: mythocriticism and mythological studies, wide symbolism, intertextuality, languages, 19th century, old Celtic and Japanese culture, reading in general, watching anime
Favorite color: green and deep dark red
Favorite animal: a dog
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Kira, a character complicated enough to keep my interest in the story (actually, the *only* character in the anime, who made me want to read the manga). Kurai - I appreciated her in the manga, being amusing in her dialogue parts and heartbreking in her loyalty and struggles to be brave.
Dislikes: tough mindness, people "more equal than others", dictature of idiots, dishonesty, forced limitations,sense of alienation, grapefruits, raw meat and food looking at me while being eaten
Least favorite animal: crocodile and shark - not because of the teeth, but because of the dead eyes
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Setsuna; for explanation, see first three "dislikes" :p
What are your views on revenge? complicated; depends on whether one can answer what does he or she want to achieve with the revenge and is it worth the possible consequences
What are your views on sacrifice? when it's giving something valuable for a person in exchange for something important for another person(s) - and ONLY for ANOTHER(S), when the person giving KNOWS that there may not be any reward for him or her personally, even no simple "thank you" - I don't know if I can think of something that impresses me more
What are your views on love? people say it exists
Should you sin (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth), what would you indulge in and why? I would want to indulge in lust, but I'm afraid my personal no.1 sin is envy (towards some people whose life has taken the turn I would like my own to)
Should you choose virtues (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) then what would you opt for and why? diligence, it would be of use
What is your greatest goal in life? teaching at university; also learning what's all the fuss with "love" about (if something I cannot get on my own counts as a goal)
What would you go through hell for? sightseeing
Pictures or a description of how you look: