Feb 26, 2008 21:07
Name: Allison
Nickname(s): Allie, Al, Sugarmonkeys (long story), Snuggles, Punk, Muff (again, long story), Serra, Akane
Birthday: January 6, 1990
Strong Points: I'm very intelligent schoolwise (2290 SAT score, ph34r) and a fast learner. I'm usually pretty kind to other people and loyal to those that I feel deserve it. I've been told I smell good. On the whole, I'm a cheerful person, I suppose. Others say I'm always smiling a little bit, but I don't notice this myself. Oh, and I think I'm a pretty decent writer. Other people seem to think so too.
Weak Points: I'm an emotional tempest. It doesn't take much to plunge me into the depths of depression or the flames of fury. Angry, I can be destructive and a little scary; I once sprained my toe kicking a wall in a fit of anger. In bad moments I've been known to consider suicide, only to abandon the idea ten seconds later. I also suffer from a nasty case of anxiety, and in fact I don't seem to consider the situation normal if I'm not worried. I care so much about my friends that I worry for them, and it's not as if my own life is free from worry, either.
Likes: Chocolate, romance novels (my secret shame), being alone, my friends, hot baths, pretty dresses, manga, anime, supernatural things, dystopian novels
Hobbies: Writing, reading, playing with my cat, calculus (wtf? I know)
Favorite color: Cerulean
Favorite animal: Bioluminescent jellyfish.
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Is it horrible to say Rosiel? XD I know I'm not SUPPOSED to like him, but I find his particular brand of insanity fascinating and I loooove trying to get inside that pretty little demented mind.
Dislikes: Being cold, closed-minded people, history class, loud noises, peanuts (allergic), that crust that's always in my eyes when I wake up, running out of ink in my pens or eraser in my pencils, being caught with no pen or paper at all, being controlled
Least favorite animal: Camel spider *shudder*
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Sara. I don't HATE her, I just don't like her as much as the others. I never like the school-age females, I suppose because they tend to be cute and sweet and helpless and I'd rather see my women kick ass.
What are your views on revenge? Revenge is nice. I love to see people get what's coming to them; I actually get pretty furious when things work out well for bad people.
What are your views on sacrifice? It's necessary to sacrifice certain parts of yourself to grow as a person, just because as you mature there are some things you must leave behind. Sacrificing for another person takes a great deal of courage and I'd only do so for someone I thought deserved it.
What are your views on love? I want to believe in love, but so many times I've looked around and wondered how love could exist in a world where humans are so cruel to one another. If love exists, I don't think I've ever fully experienced it. I have a habit of keeping others at a distance.
Should you sin (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth), what would you indulge in and why? Llllllechery. (Bonus points to anyone who gets the literature reference.) It's the only one of the seven deadly sins that is genuinely pleasurable without causing harm to the sinner; with envy, for instance, you just get to... envy people. With lust you at least get to... enjoy yourself.
Should you choose virtues (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) then what would you opt for and why? Patience. I've always wondered what my life would be like if I didn't have such an angry soul. Anger is tiring and usually ends up making me look stupid, and there's an awful lot I'd do to be able to control it.
What is your greatest goal in life? To find myself, wherever she may be.
What would you go through hell for? True happiness, or to save a friend or lover.
Pictures or a description of how you look: I have no current pictures of myself, but I'm 5'4", very skinny, and pale. I have light brown/dark blonde curls that do what they please, a Romanesque nose that makes me look like Julius Caesar, and large, round blue eyes. My fingers, I have been told, are exceptionally long and bony. I have three freckles which form a triangle on the right side of my chin, and a small mole on my left hip.