July 1999

May 20, 2006 12:15

Name: Elizabeth
Nickname(s): Kair, Liz, Lizz, Lizzie, "hey you", "smart kid"
Birthday: February 26

Strong Points Uhm . . . I am told that I am quick-witted, resourceful, funny, and intelligent. I'd like to believe that I am motivated. I care about other people, and even if they hate me, I still respect them. I'm friendly (most of the time), and like helping others, though I don't think I really can . . .
Weak Points My self-esteem is so low that it's burning in the inner core of the earth. I don't really think I can do anything. I find myself unattractive and doing stupid things. It's like I can never win.

Likes: I like anime, manga, random quotes, lists, surveys, rating comms, music . . . the color of the sky when the sun sets, the moon, gray clouds . . . and video games. Yay. :D
Hobbies: I enjoy writing, making surveys, and playing video games. :D
Favorite color: Gray
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: OMFGZ. I'm in love with Katan. He's so nice and caring--one of the few pure angels left out there, who actually care about humans. Katan is loyal and hardworking. I also like how he is pretty quiet, laid-back, and contemplative about things. He's also pretty good-looking.

Dislikes: I dislike stereotypes, close-minded people, telemarketers who ask for my grandpa (who is dead, by the way), and feeling lonely
Least favorite animal: I don't really have a least favorite animal. o_O
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: I don't know why, but Sara kind of annoys me. :/

Pictures or a description of how you look: (maximum of four pictures)


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