July 1999

Jun 03, 2006 16:46

Name: In
Nickname(s): Rhady, Setsu.
Birthday: October 30th

Strong Points I'm determined, perfectionist, focused.I can see things from different points of view.I have a goood sense of humour, if a bit sarchastic.

Weak PointsI'm self-centered,stubborn,obsessive, and I have a rather well-hidden destructive side (not of the self-destructive kind, mind you ^^).

Likes:I like reading, translating, observing people and studying their weaknesses and strenghts, learning and discovering new things.Because knowledge is a form of power.And those who know will always have an advantage over those who don't.

Hobbies: yaoi, yuri, smut, everything connected with studying, intellect, knowledge.

Favorite color: Dark purple, orange, shades of blue, black.

Favorite animal: Dolphins and monkeys.

Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: (it would be nice if you said why)There're so many I like on so many different levels.I suppose there's something that captures me in each of the characters, but still, those who impressed me the most were Zaphkiel and Sakuya Kira, thanks to their intensity and inner strenghth.

Dislikes:Weaknesses, hypocrisy, rudeness, lack of grammar, bad manners, too casual behaviour, crybabies ,abused jokes, finding myself out of control.

Least favorite animal: Insects creep me out, even butterflies.

Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: (again, it would be nice if you said why)Both the Mudo siblings.Wasted potential XD.They enede up being the characters I was was least interested in, at the end of everything, because they were just too one-dimensional compared to the others.I can see they lived in their one-dimensional world of love for one another, but that didn't leave too much room for developing certain sides of their personality.

Pictures or a description of how you look: (maximum of four pictures)

My avatar pretty much sums me up XD.Thank you for your time ^^.


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