okay, so i guess that i just fill this thing out.
Name: rebekah
Nickname(s): bekah, bekku
Birthday: march 12, 1987
Strong Points confident, athletic, social, i can make almost anyone smile, optimistic, artistic, loyal, i don't hold grudges, and i will always defend my friends.
Weak Points i have a short fuse, naive, when i get emotional i turn angry in an attempt to disguise my tears, i tend to react immediately (most of the time ends up badly) instead of analyzing the situation.
Likes: martial arts, ice cream, mindless self indulgence, shinies, red, wolves
Hobbies: karate, drawing, swimming, reading, and being with the one i love.
Favorite color: red
Favorite animal: wolf
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: michael he's kind of sculpted into my favorite character over time (i like katan too...). i like his firecracker attitude, but i like how his character also changes into a more serious and destructive being once the whole "brother" thing is brought up.
Dislikes: bullies, darkness, loneliness, and capitalizing my letters...oh and emo music (i'm sorry, i don't dislike the people who like it...i just don't like the music...)
Least favorite animal: jellyfish....*stab*
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: well..i kind of like them all. although there was one time where i did want to stab sara in the face for abandoning moon lily like that...but she compensated for it by returning back to her.
Pictures or a description of how you look: