Name: Kei
Nickname(s): Kei-chan, Jeremy, Hisoka.
Birthday:August 24.
Strong Points Seducing my master, comforting others, loyalty, telling truths, doing what is expected of me.
Weak Points Being to gullable, stumbling over words, hiding my feelings behind a mask.
Likes:Writing, Literature, being alone, dainty mints, love, lust, bubbles, depressing or angry music, perfume, things that are clean, psychics, slow dances, silence or quiet, classical music, cold nights, beaches at night, striped stockings, pinstripes, techno music, scooter, the taste of bittersweet or just bitter, summertime.
Hobbies:Writing, Reading, taking walks on the beach at night, thinking alone, roleplaying, singing, acting, clensing ((obsessive compulsive)) being with my loved ones at times.
Favorite color:Black, Grey, white, green, and pink.
Favorite animal:Kitten~!
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: I love Katan. Period. I can relate to the angel so well because of his ways and personality. He enjoys a lot of the same things I do; and is extremely loyal. Besides, who wouldn't want to work for Rosiel-sama? ^^.
Dislikes:Loud people, hip-hop music at times, people doting over me, people thinking that children are to young to fend for themselves, When anyone tries to help me, sunny days, headaches, illness, breaking bones, most medical things, sweets.
Least favorite animal: S..lug.
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Kirie because she's a mindless little...-cools down.- She is way to extreme for me.
Pictures or a description of how you look: (maximum of four pictures)