I lost my baby today...

Jan 06, 2009 15:01

He was born in my hands, lost his sight when he was a few months old due to an attack by a wolf hybrid but remained my constant companion for over half my life. And today, I put him to rest so he wouldn't suffer anymore.

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Comments 33

apieceofcake January 6 2009, 21:07:10 UTC
Sorry Dee *huggles you*


angelsdee January 6 2009, 21:13:40 UTC
Thank you, Jo! I miss you, babe, and need to get healed up so I can get back on regularly.


princessbryn January 6 2009, 21:08:46 UTC
I'm so sorry. *hugs* I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I've lost two in the last two years. If you ever need to talk I'm always around somewhere.


angelsdee January 6 2009, 21:15:31 UTC
Thank you, babe! It kind of hits hard when they were literally born in your hands. Sucks to be a breeder sometimes because this is always the way it happens. I might take you up on that soon.



johnnyjosh January 6 2009, 21:10:42 UTC
*hugs you* I'm sorry


angelsdee January 6 2009, 21:17:07 UTC
Thank you, babe. *hugs back*


bitterbird January 6 2009, 21:20:12 UTC
aww Im so sorry sweetie *hugs*


angelsdee January 6 2009, 21:22:50 UTC
*hugs back*

Damn, I miss you! Like I told Jo, I need to get healed up and get back on here regularly.


shadow_of_doubt January 6 2009, 21:23:43 UTC
I am so so sorry.


angelsdee January 6 2009, 21:28:53 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! He was just short of 22 years old. Lil' bastard had some kick to last that long, huh?


shadow_of_doubt January 6 2009, 21:32:51 UTC
He must've been something else. He sounds like he was a sweetie.


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