psst, it's 2005.

Jan 01, 2005 03:59

i have a good feeling about this year.

picked up katamari damacy at gamestop thursday afternoon, to the amusement of the dude behind the counter (definitely went outside and debated whether or not i wanted to drop 21 for it). awesomeness. i hope uber-uva-party works out.

shawn, you have impeccable everything. you keep me centered, man.
everyone back home in LA, i'll see you soon.

thanks to erin for throwing a great new year's party, and to chris for his shaolin driving skills. and to evvvvvveryone there, new and old and usual, because you are all fabulous company. (highfive to jo for lonely asian girls. :P) mmm.
kaz, good luck and thanks as always for your ear and company.
frazier, i will remember my mission!
tim, goddammit, i still didn't get to hang out with you. LAME. we shall try try again.
henry, you are amazing. and you know crazy dive people. i hold you dear times a million.

...fuck, more drunkdialers. *rolls eyes* ;] and now i'm talking to nico. niko. however you spell it.


In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Become a slut.

Get your resolution here

haha, too funny.
1) take up crocheting again. 2) exercise/stretch regularly, eat less junk. 3) thrift more, spend less, continue to be picky about concerts. 4) upgrade my computer, own at world of warcraft. 5) study more, waste less time, still have time to party. 6) physical revamp. 7) be less bitchy and judgmental. 8) find happiness.

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