Okay, heres just an update for the groups attending Serenity with Missy and myself this saturday, as well as those attending this coming Katsucon with our group.
Okay, This weekend, Paul and Fran are flying up to see Serenity with us this saturday. Alot of you's are coming, so for your records, we're gonna try to get a 7:00 show. Unfortunately, I nor Missy have the funds to buy tickets in advance. Not to mention that we'd have no idea how many to buy. We'll likely go to get tickets around 5:30, eat, then hit the 7:00 show. Hopefully, getting tickets wont be a debockle. Give me a call if you havent ironed out plans with me already.
As for Katsu, I just booked 2 rooms. They were uber expensive, as the con is now in D.C.. Also, the hotel is cracking down on extra people, so if they find out you've got more than theyd like in each room, they charge an additional 30 bucks per night. This is why i got 2 rooms instead of 1. If you're considering going with us, let me know, so i can make sense of it all and get plans straight.
Thats about all. Im going to work now. Byebye!