That's life I suppose :S xxx

Feb 12, 2013 07:53

Not 3 day's before Valentine's day my boyfriend of 8 months. billy, has decided to dump me. his reasons? he can't cope with being in a relationship & deal with his mental health issues at the same time, but he say's he does love me & think's i'm his closest friend. i guess that's nice then. the thing is, I do understand where he's coming from which ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

greeneyedsadie February 12 2013, 16:19:38 UTC
Look at you! Fuck Billy if he can't deal with a relationship. This guy Chris sounds promising! Good luck!


angelwings9 February 15 2013, 01:21:07 UTC
thank you love xxx i've wrote to you about it anyways xxx


cluelessinchi February 13 2013, 03:10:12 UTC
That is great to hear. I would have hit on you too but I think it is a bit too much for a long distance relationship. And I do not have the money to visit you.


angelwings9 February 15 2013, 01:21:30 UTC
awwww thank you darling :) xxxx


a_hot_mess_1 February 18 2013, 10:02:22 UTC
Men do not have a clue about how to treat women. Ever read 'Mars verses Venus'? It expains a lot about men. Billy will regret his actions, sweetie.


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