WSJ: "Iranian Crackdown Goes Global" According to this article, the Iranian government has been threatening Iranians abroad who protest against legality of the 'elected' regime through demonstrations and facebook posts by questioning, detaining or arresting their relatives who reside in Iran. Iranians who travel back to Tehran are asked to hand over their facebook and email passwords, or are beaten if they do not. The government has an 'Internet Crime Unit' with 'senior internet lieutenants' who troll around the web tracking down Iranians who criticize the regime.
A government that reaches beyond its boundaries to threaten to attack their relatives if they post something on facebook is absolutely absurd. Facebook needs to step up its security and stop facilitating a totalitarian government step on people's rights. It's a Big Brother situation... but disregarding borderlines! This is terrorism. Honed and pointed at direct individuals.
Oh, ironically, Ayatollah blogs.
PS. To All: Please forgive me for being extremely unresponsive for the past few days. Cold medicine really puts me to sleep... I shall also probably (most probably) put myself on semi-hiatus for .. an unknown period of time. Must focus!!