Thank You!!!
thats all it takes. 2 small lil words of appreciation, takes no more than 1.2 seconds to say but speaks way more than it might seem. i answer phones for a living and in this job these 2 words arent said to me very often sadly. and yesterday and today seems to be the worse. ive had so many ppl hang up on me without even so much as a quick 'thanks' or even an 'ok'. i mean cmon, how fucking RUDE can u be. u just took up a minute and a half of MY life so i can provide u with information u should already know and i dont even get a thx!? seriously, of all the CRAP and BS i put up with from the patients, doctors, nurses and all around fucktards that i put up with...ALL i ask is for a thank you when u hang up. why is that so hard for ppl to do?? i dont care im not giving the info they WANT to hear, im giving the info im TOLD to give as required by my job. im not asking for a down payment for the info, or asking for ur first born, all i want is a thank you. so simple, or is it just me? my job can be crazy, very stressful and busy at times where sometimes those pleasantries are forgotten, fine, i accept that. but damnit not this much. it honestly amazes me how many ppl in this world can be rude. ppl in fields u normally wouldnt expect like nursing. now before someone bashes me saying not all nurses are like this, i know that. but a few in my area are not only rude, their incompetent to the point where i fear having to be admitted to the hospital one day, and im 100% serious. but thats a rant for a different day O_o
if ur reading this, i seriously doubt u have any idea the power the words 'thank you' can have on one. it really digs in deep when someone is so rude when ive been (as required by my job sadly) so nice to them, with my highly trained telephone voice and they stiff me on a lousy thank you. now i genuinely AM nice lol but im OVERLY nice on the phone, just to keep callers happy unless i need to get serious lol most ppl see us at my job as bad ppl, we answer the phones of the places that cant, wont, dont care or w/e their reason is and WE the inocent middle(wo)men get all the shit for it O_o if u ARE reading this...THANK YOU! and next time, even if someone on the other end of the phone isnt giving u the info u want, and ur irritated least say thx, cuz 1, it might be me on the other end XD and 2, he/she might be just like me and cant do anything about ur situation honestly. so remember to always say thx, it really does make a difference. thx for reading this ridiculous rant lol ppl were just so rude today...maybe its the weather, cuz its been raining for 3 days straight O_O
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the GazettE - [Gama #03] Last bouquet [foobar2000 v0.9.5.6]via