Two hundred forty-four. That's the magic number of photos I got. And that's just me. My sister (Tina) got thirty or so and J got a bunch too. The pics would take me forever to post, and I can't post them all, but here are some good ones *grins*.
I don't know why this is so big but it's Austin, so who cares right? *laughin* Me and Austin. Very nice guy and yeah, as you can see he TOWERS over me. Again, who cares, right? lol
Billy and my sister. He is such a fun guy! And I SERIOUSLY mean FUN *grins*. And he's hot too, lol
Jeff and me *grins*. Yeah I have other pics with him but this one just screams JEFF *laughin*. He is such a great guy! Yeah, and he's hot too, lol
Sorry Jenny, it's a little blurry, but it's still Van *grins* and Jake and Ewa. Both the guys are hot of course and Ewa is not only disgustingly gorgeous, she is such a nice person and she has a nursing degree which I think is awesome!
Van is so cute but I prefer when he smiles full on. He's got such a pretty smile (yeah I know guys don't like to be "pretty", lol)
This is for you JJ. His ass was right there for probably AT LEAST 30 minutes and it kept getting closer and closer and closer so I said, if he's gonna keep his ass at our faces (mine and J's, she's beside the other ass cheek, lol), then I'm gonna take pics, lol
Austin is actually a good artist. He drew the *ROUGH NIGHT* man on Tina's shirt. He did a different one on J's. Nice, talented man and he brought his mom. How awww worthy is that? Hot and sweet. That's good stuff right there! *grins*