I don't know if anyone else watches Greys Anatomy. If you do, I'd love to hear your thoughts. If not, I'd love to hear any snippets you may have read. If you have no interest in reading this, that's ok too, lol.
I almost never post anything specifically about a show. I comment about them on other people's blogs, but very rarely do I post about them. But I HAVE to post about the season finale of Greys Anatomy. Honestly, most of the season has been ehh and real life "drama" of the actors tends to be a turnoff for a show for me. I've seen snippets or read snippets in different places of Katherine Heigl and T R Knight being dissatisfied with their stories and the renewal of their contracts being up in the air. When it was going on, I hadn't really tried to find out who was leaving, because I didn't really care, lol
At first, the story of Izzy's cancer induced hallucinations of her dead fiance (I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan is hot but I'm not so much about dead man sex, lol) and George being relegated to an after thought in a scene, made me contemplate whether or not to continue watching it. Really, the premise of the show has completely changed from what it was when it first began. But I did continue to watch and each show got a little bit better. Last week, I even tried to find out if Katherine Heigl was leaving the show.
Spoilers for this shows season finale are sparce. Nothing about Katherine Heigl but I did find something that made me think that George O'Malley would join the army (and that would be his exit from the show). Nothing that confirmed or denied that either one of them would be leaving the show.
******SPOILER ALERT**************
Last night's finale was the payoff for continuing to watch the show. It was written in such a superb way that you have no idea who will live and who will die, if either of them. I hated that Alex was an ass to Izzy but at the same time, I got it. I understood his frustration and anger and pain.
But when "John Doe", the really messed up trauma patient that was run over by a bus, was "writing" in Meredith's hand and he spelled out 007, at the same time that Meredith realized who it was, I realized who it was and I said out loud in a room by myself *gasp* Oh My God! With every step of Meredith running down the hall yelling, it's George, it's George, John Doe is George, I willed her to run faster. To get help for George. To save him *sigh*.
In trying to figure out who is going to die and who is going to live, I looked for signs within the show. I honestly think that George is going to die and Izzy is going to live. The ending scene where they were trying to bring them both back and Izzy is in the elevator looking like she did when Denny died and the elevator doors open and George is on the other side in the army uniform (he looked so handsome) made me think that Izzy's the only one that has the option to live or die cause George is already on the other side.
I really have a lot of thoughts but I don't want to discuss them with myself, lol, so I'm going to end this post right now, fragmented and all, lol If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. And if you haven't watched any of it, you HAVE to watch this clip. Enjoy!
http://www.popeater.com/television/article/greys-anatomy-finale/484767?icid=main|htmlws-main|dl2|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.popeater.com%2Ftelevision%2Farticle%2Fgreys-anatomy-finale%2F484767 It's in the middle of the page.