Hey there, Yuletide writer:
First of all thanks for writing for one of my smaller fandoms (fanworks wise). :D Hopefully this letter will make up for my ummm complete lack of detail in any of my requests.
Some general preferences:
-Blah blah keep it in character, blah blah no character bashing. The usual! :D
- I have a thing for gen fics, but definitely don't mind shippy fic. To clarify: I'm not too big on fluffy fic, but I love explorations of the dynamics of a relationship (romantic or otherwise.)
- I prefer fics that aren't extremely happy or angsty or dark etc. I guess this averages out to kinda bittersweet? Subtle/snarky/sarcastic humor gets you bonus points too.
- However! Considering the fandoms I requested I don't mind character death as long as it serves a purpose.
- AU (in case your plot bunnies lead you there): I really don't like fics where the characters are all transported to a different time and place. But I don't mind/frequently enjoy AUs where one small event is changed, and the repercussions are explored.
- Character introspection makes me a happy reader.
- All ratings are good. I only ask you to stay away from PWP, though sex incorporated into the story is fine.
Some elaboration on my fandoms requested.
Romeo and Juliet (Benvolio): He's on of my favorite characters from the play and pretty involved in the action in the first half. I'm very curious about his overall motivations and opinions and friendship with Romeo and Mercutio. I do ship Benvolio/Mercutio somewhat, but this isn't necessary.
Arthurian Legend (Sir Kay): Hahaha Kay. <333 Okay I enjoy this character so much because he's obnoxious to everyone, especially in the Chretien version and tends to vocalize my own frustration with the other characters. And yet he's completely loyal to Arthur, and such a BAMF in the earliest versions of the tale. Basically, this is another one where I want to know what the hell the character is thinking, how they regard their relationships with others etc. ...While still being snarky as hell. It is Kay after all. XD
The Tudors (Cromwell): Some things I'm really interested in re; this character:
-How easily he keeps his thoughts to himself when he interacts with Henry, especially when he's rather outgoing and talkative with his friends.
-The way he manipulates others to further his own political interests
-His family (he has a very good relationship with his son, for example.)
-That ambiguous scene where he prays right before Anne Boleyn's death. What on earth is going on there?
-Anything with Cranmer because for some reason I found their scenes together hilarious and awesome.
That's all for now. Thanks again for writing for me and I hope this letter was helpful to you. :D