I do not often make public posts these days. Usually I restrict this to my friends list, unless it's an adventure in baking, or just some pointless meme that doesn't need to be hidden.
So I suppose this is aimed at someone who would only be able to read this if it was a public post.
Public being a key word.
I do not appreciate finding out I have been talked about in a derogatory fashion by someone on a social networking site, on a feed that is open to the public and thus can be seen by anyone. I will say, I was not mentioned directly by name, but in terms that meant I knew it was about me; and in terms that meant at least one person also knew to whom it referred. Plus, to talk about someone who used to be part of your life in such a demeaning manner where it could be freely seen is just utterly bad form. Rude, and disrespectful.
My only recourse was to block the bastard. *g*
Now I've gone power-mad. It was a good feeling. MWAH HA HA.
But seriously, I've got to be really pissed off with you to do something like that. I'm quite a nice person, really. Got to be pushed to react in such a way.
In other news, it has taken me this long to realise that wearing nail varnish to work when you use a lot of acetone-based fluid is a bad move.