It was the first day of spring when things really changed for Adam and Zoe.
They'd worked hard over the last few days of winter to finish the exterior walls of the main house, planned to tidy up the roofing once the snow had gone, which it had this morning, and both were pretty tired.
The whole lot was looking better too, although they still hadn't landscaped anything.
Zoe looked like she was carrying an army instead of one baby, but they had bought a crib, and so far as they knew they were ready....
Adam had been playing chess as much as possible, while still maxing out his gardening skill, and harvesting everything he could each day.
It was almost midnight when Zoe went into labour.... although she managed to get a few more hours of sleep in before she was woken by the pains. That unfortunately woke Adam too, who went into pre-parental panic straight away.
Zoe used the bathroom and then returned to their bedroom to have the baby as quickly as she could.
It was a girl, and they called her Brianna. It was 4am on the second day of spring.