stuff that happened after toy day (aka 24 dec) until today, 02 january 2014
-- a pic i should have posted last time. the igloo at night:
-- gracie finally visited the town which means the final evolution of the t & t shop is nearing. meh. i wasn't very interested or impressed with the fashion judging giraffe. i passed the "fashion check" with the minimum items. whatever. i just want t &t to get to the next (and last?) upgrade so i can get bamboo plants and persimmon plants.
-- spent most of the other time making cyrus customize furniture. before and after customization pics:
-- even more custom stuff:
-- variations on what can be written on the whiteboard:
-- even more customized stuff:
with all the customizing, i got the the bronze customizing badge from phineas:
-- i also got the HH gold badge, but since then my points went down 'cos i'm changing my ice room into a music instrument storage room. lol.
-- finally filled up dr. shrunk's joke book. he gave me an old jacket of his and taught me the shrunk funk shuffle:
here's a vid of what it looks like in action. i danced with all my animals after unlocking it. it was adorable and now i try to dance with them as much as i can:
-- 31 december was "countdown" (i.e. new year's eve) . the resetti center was open and i caught the resetti brothers in this exchange:
-- the countdown events happen in the plaza. some of the animals gather while the rest stay home. they all wear party hats:
-- the next day, isabelle is still in the plaza and gives you a zodiac new year gift:
-- and today, redd was in the plaza. yet another chance for stuff for the museum:
fake. it has open eyes.
fake. clam shell is closed.
fake. she's looking toward the left.
real. both romulus and remus are under the she-wolf. if fake, only one child is under the she-wolf. captoline wolf
-- i'm deleting most of the paths i had in the town. i was using them for borders/placeholders. still deciding whether i want to have paths in town or leave it au naturel. i may delete and/or move some public works projects (aka "pwp") . ::shrug::
mott said he's leaving on 7 january. never really got to know him. meh. off he goes...
eta 2: mott came up to me on 04 january and said that he's not leaving after all. lol. who knew that they can change their minds?