
Aug 02, 2007 11:51

So I decided to get off my lazy butt and sew...and sew I did. To the early hours of the monring. And I remade my list of costumes to do once I start school, get money, and get the chance to actually start on them.

Prepare yourself!

Out of a whim decided to make it one day when I found scrap fabric and made some bun covers randomly. I was all like "omg, I should make chun li!" and I am...I am

When air gear first came out Kitty and Kyle said I should cosplay simca. I thought she was a cute character and she had pink hair which I thought was great since I love pink hair characters....then I actually saw air gear and found out what a whore she was....so yea, every one thinks i should cosplay her so I will. And i love the chaps too.

Disgaea Theif
Already started on it..jsut need to finish it....

Disgaea Ronin
its cute and pretty simple, except for the hakama. that'll be a challenge fo rme.

Another scantly clad costumne for my collection. Let's see how I pull this one off....

Nurse Witch Komugi
Bunny hat, pink hair, crazy anime. Check. Yeap this is a winner.

Regular Komugi
cute outfit I can wear on a regular day.

May (pink)
already started it...just need to finish.

Mai Shiranui
Already started it....just need to finish....and be brave enough so show off me bum..again.

its done for the most part...except for the darn key peices..literally. Damn you para and your giant key-ness.

have to remake it...since it got stoelen and stuff.

Songstress Rikku
man...i really need to finish this costume...it was started like 2-3 years ago. Those darn boots man....

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