Even more meme!

Aug 09, 2009 22:00

Yes, it's another meme.  I might have done this before, but whatta heck.

01. What are your nicknames?
Lego. And then Y has a whole bunch of them which she uses to tease me.

02. How do you style your hair?
Twirl it around my fingers when it's wet sometimes.

03. What's new in your life right now?
A lot of "relatives" or what to call them.

04. How many colors are you wearing now?
3 (Grey, white and jeans-blue)

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

06. What are you doing while filling out this meme?
Nothing really

07. Do you nap a lot?
Involontarily, yes.

08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
Then I don't like them.

09. Is there anything that has made you really happy these days?
That I'll get to see my friends soon^^ And M and vacation.

10. What's your favorite dessert?
Ice cream

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About two hours. But then get ready involves a long breakfats in front of the computer.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Hotmail, boplats, livejournal

13. What was the last book you finished reading?
Gulliver's Travels

14. Will the person who tagged you rule the world?
I actually stole this meme from some random person, so... possibly

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
I had one until I read this question, but now it's gone and I can't possibly remember what it was.

16. What's the last DVD you bought?
Flight of the Conchords:D

17. Have you ever done anything not many people have?
Eh... I patted moose yesterday?

18. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate off course^^

19. What's the last movie you watched?
The Poor Little Boudelaire Children or whatever it's called.

20. What is your greatest fear?


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