Title: Shelter From The Storm (Parent-Partners and Teenage Tauntrums Part XI)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto
Summary: Sasori learns to show pity (at least a little bit)
A/N: I still hate the title of the series, but I really can't think of anything good. Suggestions are most welcome.
The rain was pouring down, making Deidara’s blonde hair stick to his face and soaking his cloak. Sasori eyed him from the cover of Hiruko and sighed. It was extremely annoying to have the brat sitting there, shivering like a drenched puppy. Sighing again he opened the hatch on Hiruko’s body a fraction and beckoned to Deidara.
“Get in here, brat, before you get wet.”
Deidara looked surprised, but quickly clambered into the puppet and squeezed himself down next to Sasori.
“Thank you, danna.”
“Hn.” Sasori squirmed a little, trying to find some non-existing spare space. “I can’t let you catch a cold or something stupid like that now when you’re going to fetch the Ichibi in a couple of days.”
“What?” Deidara’s face shone up. “You’re going to let me get it, danna?”
“You don’t think you could handle it?”
“Of course I can, yeah!” The boy looked absolutely thrilled.
“Then stop making that stupid face,” Sasori muttered, already starting to regret his decision.
A/N: This part was mostly Sasori-Deidara fluff to make up for the oncoming angst...