Okay, so seriously, before I get to last nights ep (I HAVE SOME MAJOR FLAILAGE TO DO WHEN IT COMES TO LAST NIGHT'S EP!!!), I have do deal with the promo for the next ep. Now, I don't know if Cameron is leaning in to kiss him, or if she's just checking his eyes, or whatever (I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOUSE AND CAMERON!!), but what I can't understand is why they're obviously trying to make it look like something romantic after what happened in last night's ep! SERIOUSLY. Are they fucking stupid? For real? Because it's ridiculous. And what's worse is that this ep is three weeks from now, so we can't even just get to it and have it over and done with already (what's with all these damn breaks?!), plus I do wonder what the big secret with House is.
But, having said that... I read people's reactions to just the promo before I actually watched it, and after watching it and having the above reaction *points above* and a slight headache after it (which could have been caused by the above or the fact that I was squeeing my head off and crying of happiness during last night's ep - more about this later), I'm... feeling very whatever about it. Going by the spoilers for the up-coming eps, there's obviously nothing real happening between House and Cameron right now, so STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT, WHEN THERE'S OBVIOUSLY MORE IMPORTANT AND REAL THINGS TO DEAL WITH (= HOUSE AND CUDDY, HELLO!!!).
Um, where was I? Right. Promo. *ignores it* Teh Huddy? *embraces it*
Now, last night's ep. Excuse me for two seconds, because I have something important to do, namely this:
*falls into a feverish heap on the floor*
First of all (since I like getting the less important things out of the way first), I really liked this week's case, and I thought the girl was fantastic (where the heck do I recognize her from?) and the case actually interesting. And I thought the angle that House was so interested because of his own pain was interesting, too - maybe not right, like Wilson pointed out, but on the other hand, Wilson's not the one walking around in chronic pain.
House with Foreman's nurse girlfriend was hilarious!!
GF: "I've planned a surprise getaway."
House: "Getaway."
GF: *nods*
House: "Get away."
GF: *blinks*
House: "Get. Away."
Hahahahaha! Oh House, I do love you.
And House's little "I'm worse off than you!" game with Hannah was fantastic, too. LOL
Hannah: "Boys can't hold me for too long because I can overheat."
House: "Girls can't hold me for too long because I only pay for an hour."
And again, really liked the case, but OMG I gagged when House pulled that worm out of her. *feels sick* Ugh... *shudders* I seriously put my hand up in front of my face and watched between my fingers. I can stand to watch a lot of things, but that? ICK!!!!
Okay, seriously, who am I trying to kid - enough with the less important stuff (there's more of it, but I just can't be bothered!), and onto what I really wanna talk about.
01. Hugh and Lisa really are so friggin' perfect in their scenes together; the play off each other perfectly, the chemistry is there, the snark is there, the eyesex is there. PERFECT, I tell you.
02. He noticed she had perfume on. *squee* And was worried about getting a hathead. And her scarf! Okay, so House notices everything, but he definitely knows this woman and how she works, and looking at her, that both annoys the hell out of her, yet I think she's strangely intrigued by it. She can't hide anything from him.
03. Seriously, how cute is Lisa? And how great is her face when Cuddy notices House staring at her through the window? LOL I swear, she's a master at facial expressions.
04. House introducing himself to her date! And trying to make her look bad! LOL He's so jealous.
05. Cuddy hiding behind the file!!! LMFAO
06. God, he's lovely when he smiles. *le sigh*
07. And guh, when he leans in... did you see the way she leaned in towards him as well? Like if he had wanted to tell her something quietly (which he didn't LOL), she was going to let him, and she was obviously prepared to listen.
09. Guh. When she opens the door when he comes over. How sexy does she look with her hair all mussed like that? House needs to sex up her hair. Seriously.
10. House: "He's here." Why yes, he is, House. And either you were trying to find that out, because you knew he might be, or you were hoping he wasn't, because that would have meant you'd succeeded in scaring him off. Or you were simply hoping that she'd jump your bones right there and then (yes, we were all hoping that, dear).
11. House: "Oh my Gooooood. You're not wearing a bra." *giggles*
12. Cuddy: "And I like sex." Yes, dear, which is why you should be having hot sexage with House already!
13. Cuddy: "Do you like me, House?" SERIOUSLY, LOOK AT HIS FACE RIGHT AFTER THAT!!! It's like Cuddy's busted!face after Vogler asks her if she's had sex with House. Me loves the busted!face. And gah, the way she totally gets up in his face as she asks him. Seriously, you two, you really need to kiss and make up out and do the sweet nasty with each other.
14. Cuddy: "There are only two reasons anyone would want to screw with me tonight. Either they're an altruistic, decent person worried about my well-being... or, they want me for themself." *gets in his face*
House: You left out the third option. Evil bastard who just wants to mess with other people's happiness."
And Cuddy is SO not buying it! Look at her face, and then the way she says Good night, House," (God, Cuddy, don't do this to us him! Just kick your date out and make sweet sexings with the hot scruffy doctor already!). And look at HIS face as she closes the door! OMG!
15. Cuddy so obviously has deeper feelings for him (as does House for her - HELLO), and she's so desperately trying to push them down and have a normal life. And then she's trying to explain herself to her date when he's leaving, and guh... I feel bad for her, but at the same time it makes me so happy, because her date has SO READ THEM CORRECTLY!!
16. *cue soft music - HELLO! If that's not a sign that he's so right on the money as well, I don't know what is!* Date: "You should hear yourself when you're talking to him. Nothing else in the world's going on."
17. OH. MY. GOD.
18. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD! Is it weird that I literally cried of happiness during this scene? Seriously, I suddenly found my face all wet, and I realized I was crying. Someone on the outside completely read the two of them, and she doesn't deny it, because she can't. She may not want it to be that way (because hello, House is hardly easy, and she knows a relationship with him wouldn't be either), but it is, and she can't deny it, and yes, I was crying.
19. *EMBRACES TEH HUDDY while waiting for the rest of the world to realize the awesomeness of these two*
20. Cuddy all alone in her pretty, big bed. *sighs*
21. Um... *FLAILS*!!!!
22. Was the scene at her door one of the best (if not the best) Huddy scenes ever or was it one of the best Huddy scenes ever? Seriously, I just keep re-watching it, and it's so pretty, and gorgeous, and pretty, and beautiful, and sexy, and pretty, and I just died a little, I think. They have so been setting House/Cuddy up all this season; and if not setting them up, then at least bringing their feelings so much closer to the surface, and IT'S KILLING ME!! In a very good way, until they destroy it. Which I'm hoping they won't. Because God, they're beautiful.
23. *FLAILS*!!!!
I suppose I need to get something to eat now. I guess.
*FLAILS SOME MORE and then goes to eat*