Self-tagged from
tragerstreit's post.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee. :3
here. I don't know how I ran across the image, but it was the most gamer-geek thing I'd seen on teh intarwebs, and as such absolutely had to become my gaming icon. Since table-top is approximately my favorite hobby, I needed at least one icon for it.
steakI like to cook. I like meat. I bring these two loves together in one icon. I try to use this one for food-related things.
AerethonI took the world map from the game I'm running (and have been for three and a half years), rendered it revolving in
Lightwave, and lost a whole lot of detail in converting it to a <40k animated gif. See my
Wiki for more details. I think I've only used this icon once, since most correspondence involved with that game happens on the Wiki or in email, rather than on LJ.
shelbyTha's mah dawg. Well, one of two that
rabid_pickle and I take good care of. Shelby's an American Bulldog, though she's constantly identified as a pit bull (which is what Honey is). She was supposed to be our "practice" foster doggy, but her owner lives such an unstable life that everyone involved agreed that Shelby should stay with us.
Best for last?
tragerstreit tagged this one first, but really the other icons can't follow this act.
See, I'm transgendered. I feel I should have been born female. This is no secret; it's come up in my journal several times, including my
very first entry. "But
angille, your wife is pregnant! Your beard sometimes rivals Aragorn's!" True. There are several degrees to being trans. Some transwomen (whom I am always awestruck with and full of respect for) go all the way.
HRT, voice training, trach shave, electrolysis (or thermolysis), legal identity change... It's a lot of work. It's a lot of time. It's a lot of pain. And for many... it's not enough.
Four years ago, I took a long hard look at the opportunity costs of the various choices I could make. I could travel the long road of transition. I could suck it up and try to be happy as what I already was. Either way, I could never bear my own children. Either way, my voice and shoulders had already been through male puberty. Either way, I could not be a fully functioning woman. Down one road was a long, painful, expensive transition, with not exactly guaranteed results. Down the other was, as it turns out, home ownership, a happy marriage, and a child on the way.
I have never regretted my decision. At least 14% of my flist is trans. And for each and every one of us, that means something different. I respect and admire those who go through the transition process and come out the other side happier and better off for it, but that is not my road.
So that's why I have the tranfinite icon.