Came back from a heavenly weekend only to start my first day back at work in the fiery pits of hell. I hate work. I HATE work. Wait. I don't hate work. I hate my co-workers.
I'm thinking I should have played like I had the bubonic plague and called in sick for a few more days. Or a month. Hell, I think I should have just not come back at all.
Lah lah lah. I hate school. lah lah lah.
More co-worker antics from Senore Assholio. He just doesn't like me. I get it. I totally get it. Can we finally get back to our normally scheduled program already in progress? Eh. Nope. Apparently not. He continues to put the screws to me and follows up his ood work with a good dose of salt.
I did find out some insight into the madness. He apparently told m co-workers that he just can't talk to me. I"m too much like his sister. Hmmmm...I"m feelling sorry for his sister at this very moment.
At least the weather was nice today. I spent a lot of time outside all day. I think I had to. Much rather send my time in the cold outside than the coldness inside.
I don't have o granny sit this weekend. Whoohoo! Last minute Halloween costume, here I come. What do you all in LJ land have in store?
Okeedoke. That's all I have for today folks.
Anybody see Nip/ Tuck? Boyhowdy. That show surprises me every time. So does Degrassi. I love Degrassi. I wish my HS was like that. It would make life a little more entertaining. I mean, if I'm going to have to live though all this drama, the school president should get shot, you know.
okay, seriously folks, that's it.
-the end-