So I went on my first luncheon outing with a coworker/ friend this afternoon. At Chili's of all places. And I didn't succumb. I ordered the black bean patty with nothing on it burger that came with a pile of steamed broccoli instead of the greasy fries. Did I cry? No, I did not.
I chewed every bite thoughtfully and patiently. I think I may have even enjoyed the experience a bit...with my napkin sitting conveniently close by for emergeancy purposes.
but for all intensive purposes, I came, because I needed to eat for sustanence and I did just that. It's finally hitting me that the greasy burger and all it's juicy goodness does not outweigh the intense pain of digesting it. Loverly.
Plus, it makes for a pleasant shopping experience. I actually bought clothing! I swear! There's a whole sack of discounted clothing sitting on my living room floor waiting for me to put away and forget about as we speak. I actually put clothes back on the rack because they were too roomy. Go figure! That hasn't happened in a while.
I spent going out to eat money on books and tchatchkes. When Kirsty Alley gave up coke, she surrounded herself with flowers with the money she saved. I think I shall give up going out to eat and cigarettes for books and tchatchkes.
Whoa now...let's not go crazy.
Other than that, life is beautifully mundane as usual.
-the end-