I have had a very interesting 24 hours. I've just spent this evening at a German pot luck organised by my Ma as a very belated Oktoberfest celebration. The venue we usually go to didn't make it through the earthquake and lots of people have been tied up with EQ stuff. So, tonight we just gathered at someone's house and....were family. I met about
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Comments 9
I. Completely. Understand. And. Sympathise.
On the parenthood side, I think you will make an awesome dad. As an adopted kid, can I just say that, even though you feel like it might not be the same, to the child biology doesn't matter even the tiniest bit compared to knowing you have a dad who loves you :) *hugs* Whatever happens, you'll be amazing.
Although it doesn't change the fact I'm desperate to have my own, biological kids one day. One day soon, preferably. But medically, I may not be able to.
How did I not know that?! :O
(or did I, typically, know that and then forget it again?!)
I completely understand the infertility issues, that's a big one. I am very, very fortunate that I was able to mother three children. I am still very sad that I will never be able to father any.
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