Kaitlyn looks like she's really into fitness/bodybuilding/wrestling. When I see her, I believe that she can kick some asses. When I see skinny Kelly Kelly I think - hell, even I could beat her up.
Try watching Shimmer, women's wrestling w/o the shake you ass for me-wwe quality...I read diva-dirt.com as well, it's a great site about women's wrestling. I love Beth and Nattie too! Its so nice to see someone else who appreciates their skills. Have you ever watched any of Cheerleader Melissa's matches? I think you would like her too.
Comments 6
Kaitlyn is my favorite. (I'll admit it, I started liking her for her looks) She can't wrestle very well, but she's funny.
Aaaah, true. But we had a costume party.
Kaitlyn looks like she's really into fitness/bodybuilding/wrestling. When I see her, I believe that she can kick some asses. When I see skinny Kelly Kelly I think - hell, even I could beat her up.
But they all need to LEARN to wrestle. Srsly.
Thank you for your comment and your suggestion. I always love to see some other sources. I hardly know anything yet.
No, haven't watched her matches, but I will :) Thank you!
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