How 'bout some RAW?
Hah, big flag of England. Why not Ireland? Go to Ireland next please? Hah...hah, do not think about the fact that Sheamus was on the same continent as you, Anna. Hah.
Why are they booing? ... Oh, it's John.
John Cena, the official speaker of NEXUS on his NEXUS podium and his sad puppy eyes.
THE FUCK? XDD Oldschool roll is oldschool. Hello? Aren't we in 2010?! Yes, europa has history, but we also have computers and...normal paper xDD
Aww, John, you such a good ring announcer.
God, I see black N's on yellow ground fucking everywhere +__+
Crowd doesn't know wether to boo him or cheer him. In Ireland Sheamus gets cheered like hell xD
GOD the even put a black cab and a red callbox on the ramp. WTF CLICHÉ HELLO.
Wonder what they'd put on a german ramp... a giant sausage? Lawl.
Awww, Wade is so HAPPEH :D <3 the Boy's home.
Awww, Wade :D God, I love it when Superstars can perform in their countries. I want to be a diva rocking Germany, aww, that would be great :D
Is it just me or are there more NEXUS-Shirts than CENA-shirts?
Lol, Mini-Cena-chants with a lot of booing.
Uuuh, Otunga will get his butt spanked :O
Isn't there a contract with GILLETTE anymore? Why is nobody shaving himself properly in the WWE? ... Well, except for Sheamus, of course. The day he changes his beard is the day I die. Srsly.
I can hear
lady_tavington going all "EWW U SO FUGLY GTFO MY SCREEEN!!!!!" xDD
Wtf are they chanting?
Centon replay :D Can never see enough of that.
"That's a pretty good question. It all started as a joke..." LAWL JOHN <3 <3 Randal is somewhere backstage, smirking and snickering cause for once he hasn't to deal with babbling!John.
LOL Wades WTF Face
"...andI'minvisibleyouknow..." XDD
Cole snickering <3
Dang. Dear Wade. Stop always activating my kink. Okay. That's not right. You're not the one that should do that. Okay. Stop it. Stop ordering Cena around, I just...eurgh. <3
"I give you...and anybody who wants to interfere..." God, I love his watch-out-I'm-dangerous-voice. He had that when he said to Vince he will kick his teeth down his throat when they see each other as old old grandfathers. LOL
"Very CUTE Cena..." LOL WHUT. And somewhere backstage Randy is growling.
Am I the only one who's gasping when Randals music hits?
Lol, John. Y u so surprised. Wade called you cute. And now he wants to be called the champion. Come on, of course Randal will come out.
Oaaah, jesus christ. That man is so FUCKABLE (yep, I'm using men-vocabulary. Yep, totally dumb thing to say, but you gotta admit, that it's true.)
"Last time I checked I was still WWE champion.... and that bitch in purple behind you was MY bitch."
"Now, Wade it's true you got Cena under your thumb right now..." LAWL RANDY U IMMEDIATELY MENTIONING JOHN. Aaah, I can't make any Centon jokes here, when you ninja me rightaway :D
Okay you all DO hear the growling in his voice, do you? I'm not imagining it, am I? I mean... I just wrote he'd growl and then he appears and does growl o__O
RANDAL :D <3 Pwning you at the mic since 2008
God, I love how Wade says Orton. "OH-TUN!"
GM :D Lol, John, why you throwing your hands in the air like that? xD
"Wade Barretts celebration has been officially canceled." Wade: WHAT?? - John: *CLAP CLAP CLAP* .. Uhm... *pretends to have never claped* - xDDD
Man, that's a long email o_O
Randal army? Wait, that'd be all the second-class face superstars RAW has like R-Truth, JoMo and all that other...stuff.
Randy's all "Meh. I wanted to chose them."
"Special guest ref.... John Cena." OF COURSE. Omg, WWE. Why. Why should I buy your stupid PPV when I saw Cena as a ref 44534 times before?!
"" "FOOTBALL! IT'S FOOTBALL." Well, lol, thanks Josh.
Wow. Divas time and the commentators transform into idiots.
Why is Manchester booing it's own stadium? Or are they booing the crappy music?
Americans are so ignorant sometimes. They talk all day about baseball or basketball or football but they will never understand that football/soccer is the biggest sports thing in Europe. Respect it. You don't have to love it, neither do I, but you got to respect it.
I love Tamina for not turning the jersey into a belly t-shirt.
Tamina tapping Maryse (wait, what?) Aww, my fangirl heart. <3
Maryse blowing kisses to the Bella twins. EPIC WIN. I think, if SOMEBODY will write Sheamus/Bella things, I'll write Ted/Maryse things :D
"I love Maryse." - "She doesn't know who you are." - "S-she...she..." - "Tch tch tch!" XDDD
"Hey, I don't see YOU reading emails." xDD
"And btw, you're a substitution, that's all you are tonight." Ouch. Btw, where IS King? Not that I'd miss him, and certainly not in during a Divas match but where is he? Too old to travel?
LOL the way Josh says "Ronaldo" xD (Actually,
Ronaldo is welcome to guest-star RAW any week O___O..anybody now understanding why soccer is so popular in Europe? XD )
Can the Bellas do something else than cheating?
"Michael Cole just said he wants to be a cheerleader." Why am I not surprised? Oh, that's right. Because I see him cheerleading Miz everytime he enters the ring.
God, Otunga again.
Otunga vs Cena. Nothing new again here.
ANOTHER Divas match?!
Oh no, it's the Hart Dynastie.
Oh, the Usos are still alive?
Tea time with... SHEAMUS??!
I don't know what Sheamus did to piss the writers off like that but ugh. Did he destroy a hotel room or something? Maybe a whole hotel? WTF HAPPENED. I mean it's okay to not push him anymore, but WTF TEA TIME WITH SANTINO?! That's even low for a diva >__< Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.
As far as I know Sheamus, he will use the spoon to poke out Santinos eyes. Just saying. OH PG OI HAYTCHU!
Maaaaaaaaaaatt :D
Mizzy :D
"I just heard of the GM..." And Randy's face goes all "OH GOD WHY." *rolls eyes* - LOL
"Slater and Gabriel, right here..." Oh, the fugly slash.
Outsider Otunga. LOL.
There's WAY too much Otunga in this episode. And NOT enough Sheamus. God, I miss the times when he was champion and opened RAW with a long ass monologue.
"Does Barrett know about this?" Ugh, Gabriel. The fugly slash continues. Ughrghh.
TED AND MARYSE. God finally somebody who's worth being watched.
Oh god, Maryse, whoever is your designer. Tell me. Tell meeeee. God, your dresses are... god. <3
Go Teddy.
I guess Ted and Sheamus made party all night long that's why the writers hate them. *shrugs*
One day I want to be as sexy and confident as Maryse. Yep, I said it.
"Like the Million Dollar title!" - "Which is worth what? One million bucks?" WELL GUESS WHY IT'S NAMED THE MILLION DOLLAR TITLE U GENIUS. Omg. *facepalm*
"Maryse is so lucky.... all the money, all the love Ted Dibiase gives her... " WTF THAT'S SUCH A FEMININE LINE COLE. U should say "OMG Ted is so lucky to have sexy Maryse!" or something. Not Maryse is lucky to have Ted XDD U SO GAY. <3
Oh, knee injury. That's like my teacher, being "ill" because he has injured his foot. Like mankind never invented crutches.
Lawl for Maryse just WALKING and everybody whistles.
*growls* I want Ted to win. Like really. I also have reasons, but tbh the biggest reason is that I love Ted. Yep.
Ah, there's wannabe-Maryse Aksana.
Man, how I hate running chicks in high heels. That looks SO ridiculous.
And btw, Aksana, whoever is YOUR designer...burn him. In fire.
And Maryse lets a rookie slap her. Wtf, storyline.
... Oh.... Angry Ted. My panties... hmmm...
Lol at all the John fangirls having no chance in hell because he's with Randy. Forever.
Am I the only one who does not care about this match? Sorry, John, but ugh.
Crowd having fun xD Lol at the girl with the Randal!shirt screaming "Cena sucks." Randal does approve.
Wtf, that was short. Shitty match.
Awww, John shaking all the hands. B'aww. It makes me cry when I think that I'll probably never will see them live.
Man, I hope there was a commercial break in the original (I see downloads without commercial) because otherwise Otunga in the ring and then showered!Otunga backstage with an ice bag makes no sense.
I wonder if those are real ice cubes or if they have fake ones.
Otungas tattoos looks like dirt.
Hah, Otunga will not get fired from Nexus. He's gonna trick his way out of the situation.
God, finally I get my weekly Sheamus dose. Even if its in ridiculous tea party. I'd watch him doing anything, really. I'd watch him stare at a wall. Hell, yes, I'm a fangirl.
OMG SO CUTE. How can you not love smiling!Kozlov? Omg, look at him!! Awww :D
Replay... DAMN JOMO. GRRR.
I can't stop staring at Kozlov ô____ô
Yay for the Sheamus-sign in the crowd.
"Sheamus the pale predator!" GREAT SIGN.
Wtf, Michael Jackson I thought you were dead o__O
B'awwww, there's a boy with a superman shirt in the back and his dad and awwwww.
"From Irishland..." - "BOOOO!" English- and Irishmen will never ever go along xD
Oh Santino. U so naive.
And as if Sheamus would eat any chocolate. He and his worries about his figure. (YOUR FIGURE IS JUST FINE.)
Omg, could you please send him out? Please? Now? Please? Hello? Now, please? (I'd make an awesome commentator XDD So annyoing.)
I actually hate the fact that he will not be shirtless. Although everybody knows I love his shirts.
"I wonder if Sheamus has ever been to a tea party before." Who cares. All that matters is that Sheamus is exactly MY CUP OF TEA. (GOT IT? HAHA.)
"We have Santino, he's italian. And Vladimir Kozlov, he's russian..." - "Oh, he's american." Actually, he's Ukrainian. Just saying.
Oh jesus, what will he do what will he do what will he doooooo.
MORE Sheamus signs in the crowd. Hell yes.
Haha, predatory glare in Sheamus' eyes. Hmmmrrrryesplease.
THOSE HUGE LEGS. OMG. O___O ... ugh, brain. Stop those thoughts. Stop. Concentrate. Come on, concentrate. Oh...god.
"We have ginger tea... oh." XDDDD THE LOOK ON SHEAMUS' FACE. Omg, I want this man.
Hubby has a hard time not to laugh. Again. Lawl. Santino is the best face!expression!challenge in the WWE.
"But we also have a autograph picture of Mr. T!" XD YEAH! MR. T ftw. *fangirl moment*
"Yo kno' whah', Sanntino..." Oh jesus how I love that voice.
Aaaah, Sheamus.
"Will you drink your tea dark ...or milky? ...oh." lol²
I love how Sheamus is trying so hard not to laugh xDD <3 <3
D'AWWW SANTINO!!! Nooo, don't make me think of sad!ginger!Sheamus being kicked by other kids. AWWWW. I'm dying.
I love his subtle!smile. It's his honest smile.
"I hate gingers!" sign. I hate people who hate humans just because of their appearance. And I get angry from that.
"Ghosts are not this white!" ... Okay, that's enough. I'd rather see Sheamus drink from that cup (omg) or crush Santino now.
"Shay-mos hayt cho becuz u beat chim!" BAHAHA Kozlov ruining the peace xDD
Closeup to Sheamus angry!face. Uuuuuuhm.
Smiling Kozlov makes me laugh xDD (Cole snorting in the background is not helping xD)
Sheamus just scratched his own leg. Anybody but me saw that? Ohmy...
... hot tea in Sheamus crotch.... I can... I'm... Oh, come on, you all know what I want to write xD
Haaah, wet Sheamus...
I'm dead. Best death ever. This man. Always.
Bai bai bowl of milk. Somebody needs to clean that mess. I'll start with Sheamus' crotch.
What now, GM? Another match between Kozlov and Sheamus?
Ah, another match between Santino and Sheamus. That's even worse.
At least I can see Sheamus topless. We gotta see the bright side of this >___>
"That's what all Superstars do. They walk around with their ring gear under their clothes." Oh really? That that hard for Cena, huh?
"Did Santino just shrieked like a girl?"
"Come on, fella!" <3
Hmgnnnn, Sheamus is limping. I hope that he's okay, but that could be the reason for him not having proper matches right now. There's a rumour that he's injured his ankle. It's his right ankle, if I see that right.
Sheamus' finger. That's what
lady_tavington meant in her tweet. Mh yes. I came.
Dang it. Dang it, you'll regret this, Santino. If Sheamus doesn't hunt you down, I will. That's my property you hit there.
Not enough, Sheamus. Kick him again!
Morrison. I... *growls*
This is just wrong. And unfair. Sheamus had every right to go after Santino. Every fucking right. Morrison, keep your fucking business. And shave. Wtf.
Oh god, I'm angry now.
Aaaah, ninja!Wade :D
Wade has nice lips...
BABY!RANDAL *is dead*
BABY!TED. Omg, I saw those pics at
codiasi and I died. He's SO cute. I've never seen pics of him as a kid, but omg, he was so cute.
Wow, WWE shows Goldust without facepaint. That's rare. And you can barely recognize him.
Oh, WWE. Why Randy first? Why not Nexus first to make it all more exciting who his secret team members are? Basics, writers, basics.
Damn, Randy, your tan is so perfect. You never look orange.
... See? R-Truth. No surprises here.
Bryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :DDD <3
Lol @ Cole: "OH NOOOOO!"
And Mark Henry. Of course.
Smile!Randy :D
Remember when Mark Henry came to RAW and Randy had to face him (after he had 2 other matches with....Bourne and someone else I think...) and he fell on his knees and pleaded him to be nice? :D
Man that suitcase looks like it had a rough night...
BOOM. There you go, Gaybird. You have NO BUSINESS with Bryan. Bryan ftw.
"John Cena has to screw Randy Orton." It's a hard job, but somebody HAS to do it. Oh, the sacrifices John does for us. Oh jesus, poor John. xDDD
Raawrr, Randy being all "I WANT YOU BARRETT!!"
Gotta say Heath Slater is brave to wear those sparkling trunks to go in the ring with angry!Randy.
LOL ROYAL RUMBLE and Cena's all "Ah, SHIT. Whatever."
R-Truth and Gaybird both belong in a circus with their little stunts. They're not fighters.
Lol, I was thinking about Husky's strength and then Mark Henry gets tagged in XD
Okay, my PC can officially not take the awesomeness of the Attitude era ... *download failed* *PC crashed*
Mark Henry lifting 300 pound like it's nothing o_____o Insane.
3 hours PG-oldschool-show next weeks. Means a lot of old people talking shit on the mic and replaying nonsense stuff, cause the important scenes are not PG. Hah, god.
Randy smiling at John before planting Wade with a DDT on the mat. <3
Crowd doesn't know who to cheer for.
lady_tavington said last night.
... Sheamus and chocolate in one picture.
Pics - as always - from