2005 Roundup
Okay guys. This list is not in any order, and these are by all means not a best-of list for the year. That would be more than a little pointless, seeming how you probably already know these bands. I'm gonna steal the album art from Pitchfork.
The Hold Steady - Seperation Sunday
What can I say, guys? This album is a beast. We've got some pretty basic soft-hard patterned instrumentals in the background, but this band shines through in the vocals. This man has the aura of a drunk guy in a bar ranting at you, except he's ranting exceptionally clever analogies about pretty much everything he can think of. If you appreciate lyrical prowess, you should check this out.
The Clientele - Strange Geometry
Woo Woo! I love this album! Its finally some indie pop that doesn't sound like very other indie pop band out there. There's some excellent song crafting here, with a dreamy, bassy distorted guitar in the background. This paired with slightly reverbed british voices gives this cd some real nice ambience, the entire way through.
Wolf Parade - Apologies to Queen Mary
Man, if you haven't heard me talk about this cd yet, you mustn't be reading my lj. Which really wouldn't be suprising, considering you guys are thoughtless bastards. Well, this is a quintessential indie pop/rock record. Its got the jagged guitars in the background, the nasal, chirping vocalists, and the songs that seem to drag on just a little too long. But hey, they're so catchy the'll be in your head for a helluva lot longer than that.
Faraquet - The View From This Tower
Man, this cd is blowing my mind. Think Fugazi after they've snorted all the coke in Columbia. We've got some crazy Math Rock guitar shit going on here, with some wacky time signatures are going on in this beyotch. Listen to it!
The Joggers - With a Cape and a Cane
This is quite a cd. Sure, the singer can't sing, and the melodies seem a little bit off, but good god, its something. I honestly can't explain it in terms of technicality, because this alsum is far more than the sum of all its parts. I'd liken them to Broken Social scene with quite a bit less polish. Its fun, nonetheless.
Well, that was fun guys. It was originally gonna be ten, but I got bored and my mother made dinner, so it became five. Download the cd's!